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5 ½ Things For When Your Family and Friends Come to Town

A Boise State family taking a photo with Buster Bronco on the Blue Turf

With Homecoming and parent’s weekend in just a few short days, you may find yourself asking, “What do I do with my family and friends when they visit?” Fear not, we have you covered.

1) Show them around campus

No trip to Boise State would be complete without a campus tour. Feel free to walk around and show your family where you go to school, eat, and live your life. If you need some ideas about where to get started, take a look at this self-guided tour manual. Or if you have prospective Broncos in your group, they can even sign up for an official campus tour.

2) All the Homecoming activities

From family cycle classes, succulent potting stations, pep rallies, and (of course) the Homecoming Parade, there is no shortage of fun activities for you and your friends and family to sign up for. Be sure to check out the full list of events and register in advance to claim your spot.

3) Go to a football game

You definitely don’t want to miss a prime opportunity to show off our famous Blue Turf this weekend in our game against Fresno State. Brag about some Boise State football fun facts to your friends and family. Let’s get loud and rowdy and cheer on our Broncos!

4) Go out to eat

With friends and family in town, it’s the perfect opportunity to show off your favorite restaurants and places to grab a bite to eat. If you’re overwhelmed by all the incredible options Boise has to offer, we nailed down some of the best food hubs in the city.

5) See the capitol building

No visit to the capital city of Idaho would be complete without a visit to our state capitol building. The building is open to the public Monday – Saturday!

5 ½) Photo by the “B”

When your friends and family come into town, they have to take a picture by the “B” and be inducted into our Bronco Nation family. Be sure not to miss this incredibly Instagrammable spot…maybe you’ll even run into Buster!

Buster Bronco leaning against the center 'B' in front of the Administration Building

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