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Curriculum Management

Curriculum Management at Boise State

Curriculum Management at Boise State encompasses the creation, revision, and discontinuation of academic curriculum at the University. The management of these changes involve all academic departments and programs as well as their associated Colleges or Schools, in addition to the Registrar’s Office, the Graduate College, and the Office of the Provost.

Boise State utilizes Kuali Curriculum Management to manage the workflow and documentation of curriculum changes.

Undergraduate Curriculum Changes

Curriculum changes at the undergraduate level are routed to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee after approval by their department and college. The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee reviews all proposals, either approving, denying, or sending back for edits. Once this step is completed, all approved proposals are sent to the Vice Provost for Academic Planning for final review and approval.

Graduate-level Curriculum Changes

Curriculum changes at the graduate level are routed to the Graduate Council after approval by their department and college. The Graduate Council reviews all proposals, either approving, denying, or sending back for edits. Once this step is completed, all approved proposals are sent to the Vice Provost for Academic Planning for final review and approval.