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University Curriculum Committee

The University Curriculum Committee (UCC) supervises all undergraduate offerings of the university, determining that curricular changes be compatible with existing programs, feasible under given circumstances, and consistent with the educational objectives of Boise State University under state and federal law.

About the Committee

Curriculum Change Deadlines

Curriculum Change Deadlines

November 1: Deadline for submitting PROGRAM changes for the next catalog.
February 1: Deadline for submitting COURSE changes to be included for summer/fall continuing student registration.

College-level curriculum committees have earlier deadlines. Please check with your department or unit representative for that information to ensure proposal review.

GEC Deadlines

GEC Deadlines

October 1: Fall Deadline
January 25: Spring Deadline

See the GEC website for details about the University Foundations curriculum.

University Curriculum Committee Membership

University Curriculum Committee Membership

The University Curriculum Committee membership for 2024-2025 by college. The chairs and contacts for the committee are Jane Shimon and Amanda Ryan. You may also contact Mark Damm, Associate Registrar of Systems, Catalog and Curriculum, Office of the Registrar, (208) 426-2870.

College/School Representative
College of Arts and Sciences, Arts and Humanities
College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics and Natural Sciences Sasha Wang
College of Business and Economics Trina Sego
College of Education Michael Humphrey
College of Engineering Min Long
College of Health Sciences Jane Shimon (Co-Chair)
College of Innovation and Design Amanda Ryan (Co-Chair)
School of Public Service Cody Jorgensen
University Libraries Georgann Kurtz-Shaw
Faculty Senate (Ex Officio) Ryoko Kausier
Office of the Registrar (Ex Officio) Mark Damm