About Course Evaluations
Boise State University is committed to ensuring the quality of its academic programs, its teaching, and the learning experiences of its students. An important component of this is the regular evaluation of courses by students. At Boise State, course evaluations are conducted for the following reasons:
- To provide formative data used by instructors for the continuous improvement of their teaching.
- To provide members of the University community, including students, with information about teaching and courses at the institution.
- To collect data as part of the summative evaluation of teaching for administrative purposes such as annual merit, tenure, and promotion review.
- To provide data used by departments and divisions for program and curriculum review.
Course evaluations are part of an overall teaching and program evaluation framework that may include regular peer review, instructor self-assessment, cyclical program review, and other forms of assessment, as appropriate. As part of this framework, course evaluations are a particularly useful tool for providing students with an opportunity to provide feedback on their perceptions of their own learning and experiences in a course.