Contact Us
We invite you to engage with us. Please contact the Boise State IDeA (Institutional Development Award) Programs Office at or (208) 426-2238. This office provides oversight for all campus COBRE. To learn more about our leadership, staff, and investigators, see the CEBS COBRE Teams section.
Serving the Campus & Region
We want to help you succeed! Check out the latest facilities and equipment as well as funding and professional development opportunities for Boise State research investigators and their collaborators. We also invite regional educational institutions and businesses to use our facilities and equipment to expand testing and operational capabilities.
Targeted Funding for Research that Aligns with our Theme
The CEBS COBRE provides resources to support wide-ranging regional biomedical research projects. In addition, it advances a particular theme, and offers additional targeted funding support to researchers whose work aligns with the theme. It is to support research and clinical applications that use biomedical devices, sensors, and systems. Center personnel are also especially interested in efforts that span engineering and the biomolecular sciences, and how teams can gain from convergence and the science of team science.
Use our Fabrication, Characterization, and Testing (FaCT) Core Research Facilities and Equipment
The FaCT Core provides biomedical engineering research support in the form of design, development, synthesis/fabrication, testing, and validation capabilities and services for devices, sensors, and systems to be used in foundational or applied biomedical and/or clinical-translational research. The core has four main facilities. For detailed information regarding capabilities, services, and rates, please click the provided links.
- Biomechanics and Mechanobiology (BMMB)
- Boise State Center for Materials Characterization (BSCMC)
- X-ray and Electron Microscopy Laboratory (XEML)
- Surface Science Lab (SSL)
- Idaho Microfabrication Laboratory (IML)
- Research Machining and Engineering (RME)
Use our Biomedical Research Collaboration Starter (BRCS)
To make it easier for researchers in southwest Idaho and beyond to start collaborating, the COBRE invites conversation by providing a list of researchers and their biomedical collaboration needs. You can view and search this Google Sheets document, or add your own need listing(s). We invite in people with good ideas, research questions, and resources even if they don’t think of themselves as biomedical researchers, but think a collaboration could lead to new ideas and impactful research. View the Biomedical Research Collaboration Starter.
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