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MBA Program Learning Outcomes

Competency 1: Our graduates will apply business principles to solve structured and unstructured problems to strengthen strategic positioning in the global economy.

  • Outcome 1.1: Our graduates will demonstrate an understanding of essential business disciplines and leadership principles.

Assessment Measure: Students will complete the culminating assessment at the end of their degree program evaluating their understanding of principles in each business discipline.

  • Outcome 1.2: Our graduates will use integrated knowledge across business disciplines to define, analyze and solve business problems.

Assessment Measure: Students will be given an assignment focused on solving an interdisciplinary problem and evaluated using the COBE MBA Programs Problem Solving Rubric. 

Competency 2: Our graduates will apply responsible business practices and ethics principles to inform decision-making.

  • Outcome 2.1: Our graduates will be able to identify ethical dilemmas and apply an appropriate ethics model or framework to propose and defend resolutions.

Assessment Measure: Students are given an assignment to analyze an ethical decision being made by a supplements manufacturer using three different ethical frameworks, then they are asked to choose which framework that they would personally use or a combination and explain why. Students are evaluated using the COBE MBA Programs Ethical Decision Making Rubric. 

Competency 3:  Our graduates will use effective teamwork and collaboration skills.

  • Outcome 3.1: Our graduates will apply best practices in team settings and collaborative projects. 

Assessment Measure: Students evaluate their team members, using, throughout (4 data collection points) while completing a semester long capstone project. The average team member responses are averaged across the four assessment periods and used to determine individual teamwork scores.

Competency 4: Our graduates will deliver professional quality communications that demonstrate appropriate audience awareness.

  • Outcome 4.1: Our graduates will produce clear, concise, and compelling (credible and persuasive) business documents.

Assessment Measure: Students are given an assignment focused on solving an interdisciplinary problem and evaluated using the COBE MBA Programs Written Communication Rubric. 

  • Outcome 4.2: Our graduates will deliver oral presentations that use effective content, organization, and delivery, accompanied by appropriate technology.

Assessment Measure: During individual presentations, students are evaluated using the COBE CTMBA Oral Communication Rubric. 

Competency 5: Our graduates will identify effective leadership behaviors.

  • Outcome 5.1: Students will be able to interpret organizational environments and identify appropriate leadership behaviors based on the context.

Assessment Measure: Students are evaluated on an assignment, using the CTMBA Leadership Rubric.