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Student Forms

H-Option Application Forms

H-Option Forms allow students to receive Honors credit for non-Honors courses and academic internships by undertaking more extensive or advanced work than would be normally required.

Honors Permission Number Request Form

The Permission Number Request Form allows students to request admission to all Honors courses that require permission numbers.

Study Abroad Credit Request

The Study Abroad Credit Request Form is for students looking to earn Honors credit for a completed study abroad that is eligible for academic credit through Boise State.

VIP Substitution Request

The VIP Substitution Request Form Requests to substitute VIP credits for an Honors 392 Colloquia requirement or for 3 Flex credits.

Course Substitution Request

The Course Substitution Request form allows you to substitute another course (not VIP credit) for required Honors flex credits or your second HONORS 392.

Administrative Forms

Fee Waiver

The Fee Waiver Form is for students who, due to financial hardship, may not be able to afford the Honor College Fee. In special circumstances and on a case-by-case basis, the Honors College will consider adjusting or waiving this fee.

Withdrawal from the Honors College

The Withdrawal form is a questionnaire for students who are withdrawing from the Honors College.