As we wrap up another year of bird research, conservation and outreach, we cannot thank all of you enough for your support! We hope you will take the time to read our newsletter articles this year as we share the highs and lows of what it takes to accomplish our mission. In these articles, you’ll find stories that take you from the forests of Idaho, to the beaches of Southern Spain, and from the top of Lucky Peak to the windswept moors of the United Kingdom.
- Tweet Dreams: A Night of Learning and Fun at Lucky Peak
- NSF Grant Empowers Student Research in Spain
- What Is an American Goshawk: Our Role in the Rising Interest in the Species
- New Crossings Set to Reconnect Visitors to the Diane Moore Nature Center
- 2023 Lucky Peak Update
- Undergraduate VIPs at the Diane Moore Nature Center
- From Moor to Shore: The Uncertain Future of the Eurasian Curlew
- Hummingbird Rebound!
- An Immersion in the Science, Culture, and Migration of Southern Spain
- Announcing the American Goshawk Project
- The Tipping Point for Motus in the West?
- Camas National Wildlife Refuge: How has migration changed?
- Conservation Insights: Navigating Human-Wildlife Interactions
- Lucky Peak Gets a “Fence-Lift”: Volunteers Unite to Raise the Rails!
To get future newsletters and email updates in your inbox, be sure to register for our mailing list today.
We need your support
With the end of the year fast approaching, IBO needs your help to support some of our most iconic projects.
Don’t forget to make your gift prior to Dec. 31 to receive tax benefits. Your gift to the Intermountain Bird Observatory may also qualify for an additional education tax credit in Idaho.
Thank you all for your continued generosity!
There are two easy ways to support the Intermountain Bird Observatory:
Visit our secure online donation website and make a gift today
Or, you can mail a check payable to:
Intermountain Bird Observatory c/o BSU Foundation, Inc.
1173 W University Drive
Boise, ID 83706
Please specify if you wish for your donation to go towards a specific project, e.g., Hummingbirds, Long-billed Curlews, or the Diane Moore Nature Center, otherwise it will go into the general IBO account.
For additional questions on supporting IBO, please contact Melanie Bannister at, (208) 426-4199
A Gift in Your Will or Living Trust – the Easiest Way to Make an Impact
Interested in helping the Intermountain Bird Observatory contribute to conservation efforts that directly impact human lives? A simple and versatile way to ensure that we are able to conduct our research focusing on migratory birds, education, discovery of the natural world, and community engagement is with a gift in your will or living trust.
By including a bequest to the Boise State University Foundation, specifically for the IBO, you are ensuring that we can continue our work for years to come. As little as one sentence in your will or living trust is all that is needed to complete your gift. If you’d like to learn more, please contact Melanie Bannister at, (208) 426-4199.