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Auditions and Admission

Dept. Admission Requirements

Requirements for admission into the Department of Music at Boise State University consist of two main steps:

  1. Apply to Boise State
  2. Audition for the Department of Music

Please note that these steps only apply if you want to major or minor in music.  Any Boise State student is eligible to participate in our ensembles — regardless of major.  Other than auditions for the Blue Thunder Marching Band, our ensemble directors typically hold membership auditions and placement auditions during the first week of classes.  More information on the ensembles and their types of auditions can be found at Boise State Music Ensembles.

Area Audition Repertoire Requirements

Symphony Orchestra Audition Info

The Boise State Symphony Orchestra’s season consists of four major orchestral concerts per year, along with participation in All-Departmental activities such as the Annual Holiday Concert, opera, musical, and sponsoring the Annual Concerto-Aria Competition Concert. Auditions, open to all students regardless of major, are held each fall and spring. We invite you to come play with us!

Auditions for the Boise State Symphony Orchestra are held every fall and spring and are done behind a screen for a committee of Boise State faculty from each of the respective instrumental areas. Under extenuating circumstances, auditions may sometimes be done by recording before the in-person audition dates.

Please visit the link below for more information on audition dates, times, requirements and repertoire.

Click here for Large Ensemble audition info

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