The Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) is designed to provide incentives and support to employers to develop, implement and continuously improve effective safety and health programs at their worksite. SHARP provides recognition for employers who demonstrate exemplary achievements in workplace safety and health. These companies are exempted from a general scheduled Federal OSHA inspection for one to two years.
How Can My Business Participate In SHARP?
To participate in SHARP, you must:
- Request a consultation visit that involves a complete hazard identification survey;
- Involve employees in the consultation process;
- Correct all hazards identified by the consultant;
- Implement and maintain a safety and health management system that, at a minimum, addresses OSHA’s 1989 Safety and Health Program Management Guidelines;
- Maintain incidence rate for recordable cases involving days away from work, days of restricted work activity or job transfer (DART) rate and incidence rate for all recordable cases of injuries and illnesses (TRC – Total Recordable Case) below the national average for your North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) listing; and
- Agree to notify your state Consultation Project Office prior to making any changes in the working conditions or introducing new hazards into the workplace.
For more information, please contact our office at consultation@boisestate.edu, or (208) 426-3283. You can also visit the OSHA web page for SHARP programs (website).
Current Idaho SHARP Companies
- Nucor Harris Rebar, Meridian
- International Isotopes, Idaho Falls
- Scoular Company, Bancroft
- Scoular Company, Michaud
- Western Aircraft, Boise