Position Definitions (Policy 7000)
University Policy 7000
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Effective Date
July 1998
Last Revision Date
January 2020
Responsible Party
Human Resources and Workforce Strategy, (208) 426-1616
Scope and Audience
This policy applies to all University employees.
Additional Authority
State Board of Education Policy, Section II.
1. Policy Purpose
To define position categories for Boise State University employees.
2. Responsibilities and Procedures
2.1 Faculty, Teaching, Student Residential Life, and Coaching Positions
These positions are exempt from Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requirements and meet Idaho Code requirements for an officer, but are not subject to the salary minimum requirement set under Idaho Code.
2.1.1 Faculty Positions
2.1.1A Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty Positions
a. A faculty position assigned to an academic department or the university library, wherein the incumbent holds academic rank and is eligible for tenure, is tenured, or has been denied tenure but is employed under a non-tenured fixed term appointment.
b. The primary responsibilities of a member of the tenure-track or tenured faculty in an academic department are teaching, scholarship, and service.
c. The primary responsibilities of a member of the tenure-track or tenured faculty in the university library are librarianship, professional contributions, scholarship, and service.
d. Titles in this category are the same as the four primary academic ranks defined by the Idaho State Board of Education (ISBOE policy II.G.1.d (1)) plus the additional title of distinguished professor. The ranks in ascending order are instructor (not used by the library), assistant professor, associate professor, and professor.
2.1.1B Administrative Faculty
a. A faculty position in which the incumbent is qualified to hold academic rank and whose responsibilities are primarily administrative.
b. The President is a member of the administrative faculty, as are the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, the deans of the colleges and the university libraries, and all administrative officials who are qualified to hold academic rank and are designated as members of the administrative faculty by the president.
c. A member of the administrative faculty may also be a member of the tenured faculty.
d. Titles in this category are varied and are assigned by the supervising authority subject to the approval of the President, or designee.
2.1.1C Lecturer
a. A faculty position in which the primary responsibility is teaching non-clinical courses in degree and/or certificate programs for an academic year.
b. A lecturer is not eligible for tenure, may or may not have responsibilities for research or creative activity, and may serve on a wide range of academic or governance committees subject to policies of the department, the college, and the University.
c. The pay structure for Lecturer Faculty is based on Lecturer I, Lecturer II, and Lecturer III levels. Senior Lecturer III is an honorific recognition not associated with an increase in pay (see University Policy 4250 – Lecturer Faculty).
2.1.1D Adjunct Faculty
See Section 2.4.4.
2.2.1E Research Faculty
a. A faculty position in which the primary responsibility is research.
b. A member of the research faculty contributes to the research mission of the University through the development of
vigorous research programs involving projects that are of specified duration and operate under the terms of grants and contracts awarded to the University.
c. Members of the research faculty are not eligible for tenure, may or may not have instructional responsibilities, and may serve on a wide range of academic or governance committees subject to policies of the department or research unit, the college, and the University.
d. Titles in this category are assistant research professor, associate research professor, research professor, and distinguished research fellow.
2.1.1F Clinical Faculty
a. A faculty position within an academic department that has primary duties in the area of clinical instruction.
b. Clinical faculty members are licensed or certified professionals in the health or allied health disciplines, or are experienced professionals in the fields of education or public policy.
c. The major responsibility of the clinical faculty involves teaching students in both academic and clinical settings, supervising clinical experiences, and engaging in professionally related community service.
d. While clinical faculty members may participate in scholarly activities as time and expertise warrant, they are not
required to participate in research or scholarship activities as part of their regular assignment.
e. Clinical faculty may serve on selected department, college, and University committees that involve curriculum or program related issues.
f. Members of the clinical faculty are not eligible for tenure and may not serve on Faculty Senate or personnel committees evaluating the activities of the tenure-track and tenured faculty.
g. Titles in this category are clinical instructor, assistant clinical professor, associate clinical professor, and clinical professor.
2.1.1G Affiliate Faculty
A faculty position held by an individual who provides instruction without compensation for students enrolled in credit-bearing learning experiences on-campus or in off-campus settings such as medical centers, public schools, business and industry, and government agencies.
2.1.1H Visiting Faculty
a. A faculty position held by an individual who is visiting the University for the purpose of collaboration, for advanced study in their field of expertise, or to augment the capabilities of the University through an appointment not covered by other faculty categories.
b. Examples include a Fulbright scholar, a person on sabbatical leave from their home institution, or a person with special capabilities hired as a sabbatical replacement.
c. Members of the visiting faculty are not eligible for tenure, may or may not have responsibilities for teaching and research or creative activity, and may serve on a wide range of academic or governance committees subject to policies of the department, the college, and the University.
d. Appointments made to the visiting faculty cannot exceed one year.
2.1.1I Professor of the Practice
a. A faculty position held by an individual who has significant, well known achievements in their field of expertise and can help the University by serving as an advisor, teacher, researcher, donor, or University representative.
b. By way of example, a professor of the practice might be someone whose experience, teaching abilities and reputation advance the University; whose fame and accomplishments bring recognition to the University; or whose accomplishments, rather than advanced degrees, qualify them for the designation.
c. A professor of the practice may be an honorific position, or it may come with a salary and job responsibilities.
d. Appointments to Professors of the Practice must be approved by the President in consultation with the Provost.
2.1.2 Teaching/Coaching/Student Residential Life Positions
2.1.2A Teachers
Positions in which the primary responsibility is teaching non-credit courses in specific University programs and/or departments. Assignment and duties will vary depending on the needs of the unit and may include teaching credit courses and other duties.
2.1.2B Coaches
Positions in the Athletic Department, which have direct responsibility for coaching intercollegiate athletic teams such as head coach or assistant coach.
2.1.2C Resident Directors
A position within Student Residential Life responsible for administering resident halls with a portion of their compensation being food and housing.
2.2 Professional Staff Positions
Positions, which meet the Fair Labor Standards Act requirements for exempt positions as executive, administrative/managerial, or professional positions and meet State of Idaho Code requirements for an officer, and are subject to the salary minimum requirement set under Idaho Code.
2.3 Classified Positions
A position will be considered a “classified” position if it has been delegated support staff functions. If the position neither entails teaching nor faculty responsibilities nor meets the definition of professional staff, the position will be considered a support staff function.
a. Permanent classified positions must be established, recruited for, and appointed in compliance with state merit system rules and regulations regardless of funding source.
b. Limited service classified positions are those positions expected to be of limited duration due to funding or nature of the position or project and may be subject to expedited layoff.
2.4 Temporary Employees
These positions are “at will” and employees in temporary positions may be released or terminated without cause at any time as long as there is no illegal discrimination. Temporary employees hired under an employment contract, have no expectation of continued employment beyond the terms of the current contract. As with all employees of the University, temporary employees may be subject to discipline for adequate cause.
2.4.1 Temporary “Classified” Employees
a. A temporary position will be considered a “temporary classified” position if it has been delegated support staff functions. If the position neither entails teaching nor faculty responsibilities nor meets the definition of professional staff, the position will be considered a support staff function.
b. Temporary classified positions are compensated at the minimum salary of the pay grade which best describes the responsibilities of the position (determined by Human Resources and Workforce Strategy).
c. Temporary appointment means appointment to a position, which is not permanent in nature, and in which employment will not exceed one thousand three hundred eighty-five (1,385) hours during any twelve-month period.
d. Temporary classified positions are filled without the use of Classified employee hiring registers, but employees hired must meet the minimum qualifications for the position they are hired for.
2.4.3 Temporary Professional Staff
Temporary professional staff employees are those employees appointed to a professional staff position which is not permanent in nature. No employee holding a temporary appointment may work in the same or similar position in excess of a twelve (12)-month period of time, except upon reauthorization of the appointing authority.
2.4.4 Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct Faculty are part-time, temporary faculty positions in which an individual is hired to teach a specified course or courses for one academic term.
2.5 Temporary Agencies and Independent Contractors
2.5.1 Temporary Agencies
The Rules of the Division of Human Resources and Idaho Personnel Commission state, “Individuals employed through contracts with temporary services shall be hired only for short-term, emergency situations.” (IDAPA 15.04.01)
2.5.2 Independent Contractor
Please see University Policy 6150 (Independent Contractors) for requirements and restrictions involved in the employment of Independent Contractors.
2.6 Student Employee Positions
A student employee shall be defined as anyone enrolled at Boise State University at least half time (as defined by the University Registrar). These positions are “at will” and all student employees may be released or terminated without cause at any time as long as there is no illegal discrimination.
2.6.1 Hours Worked
a. When school is in session, a student employee may work for no more than 29 hours per week.
b. When school is not in session, and during summer, a student may work more than 30 hours per week.
c. International students may only work 20 hours per week. (See Section 2.6.4G)
d. Work-Study students may only work 20 hours per week using Work-Study awards.
e. The above weekly work hour requirements may be appealed by sending a letter of justification to Human Resources and Workforce Strategy. A committee consisting of representatives from the Provost’s Office, Career Services, Financial Aid, and Human Resources and Workforce Strategy will make a determination on the request.
2.6.2 Enrollment Status Students
Enrollment Status Students who are employed prior to enrollment (i.e. in the summer or in the interim between fall and spring semesters) must meet the “intent to enroll” criteria.
a. For continuing students, intent to enroll means the student has registered for the next semester.
b. For new or returning students, intent to enroll means the student has a current admission status for the next term.
2.6.3 Benefits
Student employees are not eligible for benefits.
2.6.4 Types of Positions
2.6.4A Work-Study Student
Student employees receiving allotments designated as Work-Study awards from which they may be paid for work performed. The source of these awards can be federal, state, or University funds. Referrals for employment must be secured from Career Services. Work-Study students may only work 20 hours per week using Work-Study awards.
2.6.4B Graduate Assistant
a. Graduate students who provide classroom and/or research services under supervision of full-time members of the faculty or the administration.
b. Other duties of a non-teaching or non-research nature may be assigned by the department in which the assistant holds an appointment.
c. The student is usually required to work 20 hours per week.
d. The student may receive the assistantship package.
2.6.4C Undergraduate Student Research Assistant
a. Students who provide services and perform duties as directed by a faculty research investigator or administrative research investigator in charge of the project to which the student is assigned.
b. Other duties may be assigned by the department in which the assistant holds an appointment.
2.6.4D Commission-Based Student
a. Student employees who perform work and receive payment for the production of a specified product or service.
b. Examples would be newspaper articles, photographs, etc.
2.6.4E Agreement for Services Student
a. Student employees performing teaching responsibilities and/or leadership/referral duties under the supervision of the faculty or administration.
b. An agreement for services exists for payment by an established total dollar amount for the project.
2.6.4F Student Assistant
Any student employee meeting the general definition of a student not meeting the criteria for other types listed.
2.6.4G International Students
a. International students admitted to Boise State University on an F-1 or J-1 visa are authorized for employment as long as they remain fully enrolled. Human Resources and Workforce Strategy will check to ensure that an international student is fully enrolled. If an international student drops below the required number of credits, Human Resources and Workforce Strategy will check with the Director of International Student Services to ascertain if said student remains authorized for employment.
b. Authorized students may work a maximum of 20 (twenty) hours per week while school is in session (according to Immigration and Naturalization Service guidelines), and up to full time during breaks between semesters.
c. International students must quality for student employment according to the number of credit hours they are taking.
Revision History
October 1999; January 2001; April 2001; September 2004; May 2010; November 2010; November 2011; September 2012; March 2019; January 2020