Looking for upper-division elective courses to add to your Spring schedule? Check out these classes that are being offered this semester!
These courses are all worth 3 upper-division credits and will count as upper-division elective credits toward the Psychology BS degree.
PHIL 497: Am I As Smart as My Phone?
An examination of the nature of intelligence in humans and machines. Is there a unified concept corresponding to the word ‘intelligence’? How is intelligence related to other concepts, such as computation, machine learning, rationality, and consciousness? And what are the ethical implications of the similarities and differences between the ways in which humans are intelligent and the ways in which technologies are intelligent?
- Section 001 – Monday/Wednesday from 3 PM to 4:15 PM, taught by Dr. Edward Ferrier
LING 305: Introduction to Language Studies
A general survey of contemporary language study as it is carried out in the fields of linguistics, anthropology, and psychology, with emphasis on meaning, sounds, words, and sentence formation in English. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or PERM/INST.
- Section 001 – Wednesday from 12 PM to 1:15 PM, taught by Dr. Chris VanderStouwe
- Section 002 – Wednesday from 1:30 PM to 2:45 PM, taught by Dr. Chris VanderStouwe
- Section 003 – Thursday from 12 PM to 1:15 PM, taught by Dr. Chris VanderStouwe
LING 312: Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
Survey of the fields of phonetics and phonology. Topics in phonetics include: familiarization with the articulation and transcription of speech sounds, vocal tract anatomy, acoustics, hearing, and perception. Topics in phonology include: the role of phonemes, phonological analysis, features, and syllable structure. Prerequisite: LING 305 or PERM/INST.
- Section 001 – Tuesday/Thursday from 1:30 PM to 2:45 PM, taught by Prof. Regina Tom