Closeout Overview
“Closeout” involves the final reconciliation and reporting of expenses and technical activities to the sponsor, and is generally governed by the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards in 2 CFR Part 200 (Uniform Guidance) — in particular 2 CFR 200.343. Â Some activities include, but are not limited to, reviewing project expenditures for allowability (i.e., allowability, allocability and reasonableness), filing invention and property disclosures, resolving open commitments and submitting final financial reports, invoices and technical reports. Â During this process, the Boise State University (University) and the Sponsor determine whether all applicable administrative actions and all required work have been completed by the University.
OSP is responsible for managing and facilitating the sponsored project closeout process. The assigned OSP Sponsored Project Administrator (SPA), the Principal Investigator (PI), and appropriate college and departmental administrators (collectively Business Managers or BMs) must work collaboratively to ensure that all project work has been completed, that required reports have been filed, and that any outstanding financial and programmatic matters have been resolved prior to closing out the sponsored project. Â The following matrix has been developed clearly delineate closeout responsibilities and to facilitate the closeout process. Â If you have any questions, please contact your SPA.