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Manage Award

The following guidelines are intended to provide an overview of the award management process for sponsored projects.  The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) recognizes that each award has its unique challenges and opportunities, and we look forward to working with you in a collaborative and supportive manner to ensure the best possible outcome for your award.  If you have any questions about the information on this web page, please contact OSP Post-Award Services at

Common Award Management Matters

Caution about the Guidance on this Page

Many, but not all, of the University’s awards are direct or flow-through Federal Financial Assistance agreements (i.e., Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements).  These awards are generally subject to the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards in 2 CFR Part 200 (Uniform Guidance) as described on National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Research Terms and Conditions and Prior Approval Matrix web pages.  The guidance in the subsections that follow is generally based on Uniform Guidance requirements, which are generally not applicable to the other types of awards described in this cautionary subsection.

The University receives many direct and flow-through awards subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulation in 48 CFR Parts 1 – 99 (FAR) and its agency-specific supplemental regulations (e.g., Defense Acquisition Regulations System (DFARS) or Department of Energy Acquisition Regulations (DEAR)).  While FAR-based awards generally follow the same cost allowability rules as Uniform Guidance awards (see 48 CFR 31.303), there are many differences ranging from how proposals are submitted/awarded to the remedies for the University’s non-compliance.

In addition to the above, the University receives many awards from Sponsors not using Federal funds, including states, counties, municipalities, universities, non-profits, for-profits and foreign entities.  For these agreements, the terms and conditions of the award documents (and possibly the associated Requests for Proposals) generally govern the relationship between the Sponsor and the University.

Regardless of the award type, the terms and conditions of the award generally supersede regulatory requirements, if any.  For this reason, it is crucial that you carefully review the Frevvo-based Award Review Checklist and PI Acceptance Form for details about specific requirements applicable to the award in question.

Award Setup & Notification

  • After Award Acceptance, OSP Post-Award Services does the following:
    • The assigned OSP Financial Technician (FT) generates and sets up the new award and one or more projects in Oracle Financials Cloud (OFC).
    • The assigned Sponsored Projects Administrator (SPA) generates and sends a new award notification email (New Award Notification) to the PI, Business Manager (BM), Departmental Administrator (DA) and other personnel as appropriate.
      • Please keep a copy of the New Award Notification in your records.  This communication provides important award management information, such as the OSP proposal number, OFC award number, OFC project number(s), project and budget period start/end dates, F&A allocation percentages and other useful hyperlinks.
    • Depending on the FTs’ and SPAs’ (and other OSP personnel’s) workload, it may take several days to complete this process.  You can check setup status using the CA Pending Report: Awards, Mods and Advances.
    • Subsequently, the SPA schedules an in-person new award meeting (New Award Meeting), as needed, to discuss the award with the PI, BM, DA and other appropriate personnel (e.g., Accounts Payable should attend if foreign nationals are expected to receive payments from the award).  Discussion points typically include roles and responsibilities, special terms and conditions and basic award management principles.

About Advance Spending Requests

The University regularly receives multiple-year awards that are funded one year at a time.  In some cases, the Sponsor (for various reasons, including delays in Federal appropriation acts and Federal government shutdowns) may not provide an amendment with funding for the next budget period until the previous budget period has ended.  This creates significant financial management issues because ongoing projects generally require ongoing spending (e.g, salary, fringe benefits), and unless the applicable project(s) is/are extended in OFC’s Project Portfolio Management (PPM) area, costs will not post in PPM.  Consequently, Advance Spending Requests for the next budget period can be submitted and approved when appropriate (see the Pre-Award Spending section below for more details).

Budget Adjustments

During award performance, it may be necessary to adjust the baselined budget in OFC after submitting a Budget Adjustment Request Form.  The following guidance is applicable to such situations:

  • Cost Sharing: Changes in the University’s approved cost sharing generally requires advance Sponsor approval (see 2 CFR 200.308(c)(1)(vii)).
  • Direct Costs: Rebudgeting among direct cost categories (e.g., salary, fringe, other expenses), even if the cumulative total exceeds 10% of the approved budget, is generally permissible without prior Sponsor approval (see 2 CFR 200.308(e)).
  • Direct v. Indirect (F&A) Costs: Rebudgeting amounts budgeted for indirect costs to absorb increases in direct costs, or vice versa, is generally permissible without prior Sponsor approval (see 2 CFR 200.308(d)(4)).
  • Participant Support Costs: Rebudgeting participant support costs to other budget categories generally requires prior Sponsor approval (see 2 CFR 200.308(c)(1)(v)).
  • Scope Changes: If any of the above budget revisions change the award’s scope of work, prior Sponsor approval is required (see 2 CFR 200.308(c)(1)(i))


Carry-forward of unexpended balances from one budget period to the next is generally permissible without the Sponsor’s prior approval (see 2 CFR 200.308(d)(3)).  However, some Sponsors (e.g., National Institutes of Health) may require prior approval if this is indicated in the award document.

Cost Transfers

Cost transfers must be used sparingly and as an exception to normal practices.  “Costs should be charged to the appropriate sponsored project when first incurred.” See Section 4.1.a of University Policy # 5090, Sponsored Programs Cost Transfer (emphasis added).  Further, “[a]ll cost transfers must be accomplished within 90 calendar days of the original charge.”  See Section 4.1.b.i of University Policy # 5090.

PI Changes, Disengagement or Reduction in Effort

Changing a PI or another key person generally requires prior Sponsor approval (see 2 CFR 200.308(c)(1)(ii)), as does the PI disengaging from the project for more than three months or the PI reducing effort by 25% or more (see 2 CFR 200.308(c)(1)(iii)).

Pre-Award Spending

Pre-Award spending up to 90 calendar days before receiving the award is generally permissible without prior Sponsor approval (see 2 CFR 200.308(d)(1)).  Generally, the 90 day limitation does not apply to expenditures prior to receiving funding for a subsequent budget period.  See, e.g., NSF Proposal & Award Policies and Procedures Guide 19-1 (PAPPG) Chapter X, Section A.2.b(3), Pre-Award (Pre-Start Date) Costs (“Pre-award expenditures prior to funding of an increment within a continuing grant are not subject to this [90 calendar day] limitation or approval requirement . . . .”).

Purchasing Goods and Services

Detailed sponsored project procurement guidance is available on the Procurement Actions web page.

Equipment and Supplies Under Awards from DOE National Laboratories

In most cases, all Equipment and Supplies purchased or acquired under awards from DOE National Laboratory Management & Operating (M&O) contractors are Government Property.  This is inconsistent with almost all other awards the University receives.  One example is subcontracts received from Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC (BEA), the M&O contractor of the Idaho National Laboratory.  Because these property requirements are so non-standard, OSP has developed the Implementation of DEAR 970.5241-1, Property, guidance for campus.

About Subawards

Information about Subaward negotiation, acceptance and monitoring is on the Subawards web page.

Responsibilities Matrix


Office of Sponsored Programs

Campus Business Manager

Principal Investigator


Determine the Number and Type of OFC Projects Required


Update the Internal Budget to Reflect the Number and Type of OFC Projects Required


Award and Project Setup in OFC


Submit New Segment String Information to Payroll for Activation


Send New Award Notification


Schedule New Award Meeting


Attend New Award Meeting





Manage All Technical / Programmatic Aspects of the Sponsored Project


Ensure All Sponsored Project Expenditures Are Charged to Correct OFC Projects to Avoid Future Cost Transfers (e.g., Policy # 5090)


Initiate Employee Action Forms (EAF)


Submit Grant Funding Distribution Forms (GFDF)


Submit Standard Purchasing Requisitions for Goods and Services Procurements


Initiate P-Card Transactions


Initiate Travel Authorizations (TA)


Initiate Other Transactions (e.g., Hiring, Student Costs)


Ensure Costs Are Allowable When Initiating Transactions



Retain Records Related to Transactions



Monitor Vendor Technical Performance


Provide Ongoing Financial Management Reports to PIs


Track and Document Cost Share


Submit Invoices to Sponsors


Submit Financial Reports to Sponsors


Report Cost Share to Sponsors


Verify Financial Information When Requested by OSP



Submit Technical Reports to Sponsors in a Timely Manner


Request Extensions to Technical Report Due Dates


Submit Budget Adjustment Requests to OSP


Submit Budget Adjustment Requests to Sponsors (When Necessary)


Draft Subaward Agreements


Approve Subaward Agreements for Issuance


Monitor Subrecipient Technical Performance


Monitor Subrecipient Financial Performance




Review Subrecipient Invoices




Submit Invoices (e.g., Vendor and Subrecipient) to Accounts Payable for Payment


Allocate Recovered F&A to Campus


Monitor F&A Allocations


Prepare Effort Reports for Campus


Ensure Effort Reports Are Timely Signed and Returned to OSP



Communication with Sponsors' Program Managers


Communication with Sponsors' Grants / Contracting Officers


Submit Advance Spending Request Forms


Submit No-Cost Extension Requests to OSP


Submit No-Cost Extension Requests to Sponsors


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