Steve Georgeson
Dr. Margaret Sass – MDS 495
Boys and Girls Aid & KEEP

Community Partner: Boys and Girls Aid & KEEP
Written Summary:
In the class, Multidisciplinary Studies, Capstone Project, I partnered with Boys and Girls Aid, and KEEP, both organizations supporting foster and adoptive families to consider the unique challenges of LGBTQ+ parents. During each of my interactions with these organizations and interviews with foster and adoptive parents, I learned about the challenges and opportunities to support foster families, and how to provide support to the queer community. The output of my project is a social media page for queer foster and adoptive resources, a place to gather a variety of content, resources, and organizations to help support the community.
The capstone course is the culmination of the Multidisciplinary Studies curriculum designed to develop integrative thinking skills. The service-learning project challenged my learning as I had to decide on the best approach for connecting organizations and communities on a social media platform, maximize the benefits of content management and community connections, and minimize the negative aspects of social media. What surprised me the most was how easy it was to create and manage a content page.
Looking back on my experience on this project, I would have started the social media page sooner. I will continue to develop and curate the content beyond my time at Boise State. My commitment to foster and adopt has deepened throughout this course and project. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing from a few parents about their experiences and how to better support them with book recommendations, organization referrals, and other content.