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Five Minute Check-in

Assess student progress using frequent “five-minute papers” or some other formative assessment. Below are sample questions for five-minute papers.

WEEK 6 Five-minute paper:

  • Write the name of the community partner next to your name.
  • Have you received adequate orientation (do you feel prepared to start)?
  • Have you started your service/project? If not, do you have a start date?
  • What questions, concerns, or feedback do you have about your service, project, or community partner?
  • Would you like someone to follow up with you personally about your question/concern? If yes, write down your phone or email.


  • Write the name of the community partner next to your name.
  • Describe briefly what you’ve been doing for your service (1-2 sentences).
  • List one thing you are learning through your service.
  • What questions, concerns, or feedback do you have about your service, project, or community partner?

WEEK 11:

  • Write the name of the community partner next to your name.
  • What project milestone have you reached? or, if tracking hours, how many hours have you completed?
  • Are you facing any challenges? If so, what?
  • How much connection are you seeing between your service and the class theory? (1 = not much connection, 5 = very connected and relevant)
  • What questions, concerns, or feedback do you have about your service, project, or community partner?
  • List one valuable thing you have learned so far from your SL.