Create a Video for the SLx
Please Note: Create a video submission for the SLx only if instructed to by your professor and it is part of your course OR you have permission from the Service-Learning program. Otherwise, check out the poster instructions.
Video Guidelines:
- Length is reasonable and proportionate to the purpose and needs of the community partner
- Include a title at the beginning of the video
- Professional in appearance and edited
- Clear audio
- Demonstrate creativity
- Video release form(s) need to be completed for all unaffiliated Boise State participants on film
Avoid the following:
- Frequent zooming in and out
- Camera shakiness
- Audio disturbances (e.g. sound muffled by the wind)
- A purely text based film without interaction or real life video shorts
- A video that doesn’t progress through a storyline
- Poor captioning
Submitting Your Video:
Videos should be created as an .mp4 file.
Save it to your Google Drive and submit the link.
Ensure the file’s sharing permissions are set to “anyone with link can view”.
What You Need To Submit Along With Your Video
The Service-Learning program will use the video evaluation rubric to review and select work for the Service-Learning Exhibition (SLx).
Service-Learning staff will notify you whether your submission was selected.
Questions: contact Service-Learning
(208) 426-1004