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Goals and Strategies

Goal 1: Improve Educational Access and Student Success

We can enhance the comprehensive student experience with a focus on student success and post-graduate outcomes.


  1. Create and enact a comprehensive, strategic enrollment and student success plan, including components related to supporting the whole student, recruitment, retention, graduation, and addressing equity gaps.
  2. Integrate career education and experiential learning opportunities into the curriculum and the student experience to improve career readiness and post-graduation outcomes.
  3. Expand educational access for all Idahoans through improved outreach, communication, financial aid, philanthropy, online resources and education.
  4. Cultivate a commitment to high-quality, new and innovative learning experiences in all courses, curricula and co-curricula.

How our students are changing the world

Undergraduate student takes home honors at Idaho biomedical research conference
Boise State kinesiology hosts elite young female athletes for performance camp
Save the date: Bronco Day is Oct. 19
NASA awards research funding and internships to Boise State students