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Larraitz Ariznabarreta Serves as Editor for “Espacios de la heterodoxia”

Larraitz Ariznabarreta

Department of World Languages
College of Arts and Sciences
Larraitz Ariznabarreta has edited the book “Espacios de la heterodoxia del exilio” (Spaces of the Heterodoxies of Exile) published by Hamaikabide (San Sebastian, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-617-8883-5).The volume includes articles written by more than 20 scholars revising the social practices of resistance to Francoism, and it analyzes the intellectual contributions of various men and women whose work had been previously overlooked by the canonical scholarly publications on the subject of Spanish exile. The book includes an article by Ariznabarreta titled “Polifonias heterodoxas y Silencios” (cf: Heteterodox Polyphonies and Silences).