Spoken by:
350 million people worldwide
Countries where Arabic is Spoken:
Algeria, Bahrain, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon
Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria
Tunisia, Tanzania, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, and other parts of the Middle East and North Africa.
Why Study Arabic?
- “The Department of Defense and other government agencies, businesses and other educational institutions have all expressed the need for more attention in this area.”
– “Motivation of American College Students to Study Arabic” - “Through your study of Arabic, you will pick up knowledge of Islamic traditions and beliefs that will allow you to become a more effective intercultural communicator and develop stronger relationships.”
– “Seven Reasons Why Now is the Time to Learn Arabic” - “There are about 350 million Arabic speakers today, making it the fifth most-commonly spoken language in the world.”
– “Arabic Language Studies Booming in the US”
Arabic Programatic Offerings
Bilingual Broncos
Experience Arabic Culture & Language Abroad
The Department of World Languages encourages students who wish to acquire proficiency at a “professional” level to spend time in a region whose language they are studying. Programs available through the Office of Global Learning Opportunities give students a chance to master a language and learn more about culture and customs, often while studying at foreign universities and living with local families.