Contact Information:
State Authorization and Professional Licensure Information
State Authorization
Many states have prescribed an “authorization” process for out-of-state
institutions delivering online programs to its state residents. Authorization (sometimes referred to as “registration,” “licensure,” “approval,” etc.) indicates that the institution has met certain minimum standards under the laws and regulations of that state. Authorization does not constitute an endorsement of any institution, course or degree program. Credits earned at an institution may not transfer to all other institutions.

Boise State University has taken steps to protect its students and operations through nationwide compliance and currently participates in a voluntary State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) encompassing all states except California. Boise State can operate without state authorization in California because the university is a public accredited institution. All programs at Boise State are approved by Idaho’s State Board of Education.
Professional Licensure Disclosures
Professional Licensure Disclosures: Students may attend colleges and universities to become a nurse, teacher, social worker, accountant or other occupations that require licensure. States and government entities have established standards of practice for the licensed occupations they have chosen to regulate, and they provide legal permission to practice those professions only to individuals who meet their designated standards. Boise State University strongly encourages you to seek guidance from the appropriate licensing agency in your home state BEFORE enrolling in an academic program that leads to licensure or certification. Visit the Professional Licensure Disclosures site to determine if your program of study meets the educational requirements for licensure within your current location. Contact the academic program prior to submitting an application if additional information or clarification is needed.
Contact Information for National Associations for State Licensure Research
In addition to the contact information on our Professional Licensure Disclosures webpage, students can also utilize the National Associations for State Licensure Research resources page to locate contact information for their respective state of intended practice and respective licensure board.
Student Location and Relocation
Certain states and U.S. territories have requirements in place that may affect a student’s ability to receive distance education in a certain state or territory, and/or legally practice within their licensed profession upon graduation. Student location and relocation are both key factors in determining the University’s compliance with State Authorization regulations and Professional Licensure Disclosure requirements, and directly impact student consumer protection. Student Location identification is carried out through the admissions process. Within the admissions process, students identify their physical location by providing their mailing address. Existing and continuing students are able to update their physical location by mailing address on an as-needed basis through their student portal.
Prospective or current students who plan to relocate while enrolled in an online program should discuss their plans with the program to assess any potential impact on their course of study. Students who relocate to a state or country in which their respective program is not currently authorized may experience a delay in their studies or may not be able to complete the program in which they initially enrolled. It is the student’s responsibility to seek guidance from the program prior to relocation. If your program of study leads to professional licensure, then it is recommended that you seek guidance from the appropriate licensing agency in your new state or country.
Student Consumer Information
Student Consumer Information: The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires institutions to disclose certain information to students. Boise State University is a public, state-supported, accredited university overseen by the Idaho State Board of Education.
Complaint Process
Complaint Process – Boise State is committed to supporting students in Idaho and beyond, and to resolving student complaints in a fair and timely manner.
Refund Policy
Boise State’s Refund policy provides information regarding dates and deadlines
for tuition, fees and special fees refunds.
Required State Disclosures
Boise State University is not regulated in Texas under Chapter 132 of the Texas Education Code.
International Students
It is your responsibility to understand special requirements in your home country related to online education:
- Does your country recognize foreign online degrees?
- How may the collection of student data be used in your country?
- Will you be subject to additional withholding taxes in addition to the price of tuition?
International students considering an online academic program that leads to a professional license should first confirm with the appropriate professional licensing board in your country whether a Boise State online degree is recognized when seeking licensure or certification.
Certain countries are subject to comprehensive embargoes under US Export Controls, which prohibit virtually ALL exports, imports, and other transactions without a license or other US Government authorization. Boise State currently is unable to enroll individuals located in the following country to its online programs:
- North Korea
Applications can be accepted from students located in the following countries but must be approved by the Institutional Compliance Office prior to enrollment:
- Crimea, Cuba (undergraduate applications only, graduate applications not permitted), Iran (undergraduate applications only, graduate applications not permitted), Syria, and Venezuela