Annotate a Document in Perceptive Content
Annotations are a set of tools used to annotate, add mark up to, a document in Perceptive Content.
- In the left hand task bar, locate the document in the appropriate drawer or workflow.
- Double click on a document to open it.
- Click on the appropriate annotation type in the toolbar and click on the document to place the annotation.
Stamp Annotations
- To use a stamp, right click the stamp button in the toolbar and select the desired stamp from the list.
- Click on the page to place the stamp on the page. You may adjust the placement on the document by clicking on the stamp and dragging it to a different location.
Sticky Note Annotations
- To use a sticky note, click on the sticky note button in the toolbar and then click on the document in the area you want the note to appear.
- The sticky note dialogue box will appear. Click in the note box to type your note.
- Click the Add button.
- Click close to close the dialogue window.
Note: Additional information can be added to the sticky note at any time, depending on user privileges. Simply click on the sticky note that exists on the on the document, type a note in the dialogue box, and click Add. The history box provides the date and author of all notes that are added to the document.
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For more information, contact the Help Desk at (208) 426-4357,, chat, or Help Desk Self Service.