The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and City Club of Boise presented an Evening Conversation, “Understanding the Invasion of Ukraine: Early Impressions” on Tuesday, March 15, 6:30-8:00 p.m. via Zoom.
On February 24, Russia invaded Ukraine, causing many to speculate that we have entered a new era of geopolitical brinkmanship and even world war. But many are also closely watching the human impacts of the invasion, noting the violence and loss the people of Ukraine are enduring, and the bravery and resistance many display.
This Evening Conversation featured a discussion with three experts with experience in and knowledge of this part of the world. They talked about what led up to the invasion, what conditions are like on the ground in Ukraine, and what we might expect next.

Connie Collins served as a Peace Corps volunteer (2003-2005) as an environmental consultant for a non-governmental organization in Korostishiv, Ukraine, which began her love and study of Ukrainian history, culture, traditions, and people. Ms. Collins lectures on topics of Ukraine, including “The Geopolitics of Ukraine,” and has worked as a professional counselor, educator, and consultant in many states and overseas. Connie was serving during the Orange Revolution in 2004. She has returned to Ukraine every two years for extended stays and travel in the country.

Chase Johnson is a Research Associate at the Frank Church Institute and a Ph.D. candidate in Public Administration. He has degrees in International Relations from Boise State and Johns Hopkins Universities. Previously, he served with the U.S. Peace Corps as an Education and Youth Development volunteer in the Republic of Georgia. He also has worked on Economic Affairs for the State Department and on NATO Policy for the Department of Defense. Chase teaches classes on Global Studies and Russian Politics.

Marla B. Keenan is an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Stimson Center. Her areas of expertise are international security policy, human rights in armed conflict, protection of civilians, civilian harm tracking and analysis, and urban warfare. Marla has conducted high-level advocacy with international and regional organizations, including the United Nations, African Union, and NATO, and has worked on conflict and crisis in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Mali, Israel, Jordan, Nepal, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ukraine, Yemen, and the Central African Republic.
Click to view the recording of the Evening Conversation.