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Academic Probation and Dismissal (Policy 3000)

University Policy 3000

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Effective Date

September 1993

Last Revision Date

June 29, 2021

Responsible Party

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, (208) 426-1418
Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, (208) 426-2384
Office of the Registrar, (208) 426-4249

Scope and Audience

This policy applies to all students enrolled at the University.

Additional Authority

  • Idaho State Board of Education Policy, Section III.R.
  • University Policy 3160 (Grade Exclusion)
  • University Policy 3190 (Course Repetition – GPA Relationship)
  • University Policy 3230 (Calculation of GPA)

1. Policy Purpose

To establish criteria for placing a student on academic probation, continuing a student on probation, or dismissing a student from the University for failure to meet academic grade point average (GPA) requirements; or, in the case of a graduate student, failure to make Satisfactory Progress toward their graduate degree or certificate.

2. Policy Statement

Students at Boise State University are expected to make Satisfactory Progress toward attaining their degree to ensure they have a solid foundation of learning. The University has a responsibility to identify students who are not on track to achieving Satisfactory Progress and as such, uses the standards in this policy to provide clear and fair guidelines for academic performance.

3. Definitions

3.1 Boise State University Cumulative GPA

GPA calculated for only Boise State University courses in a career (i.e., undergraduate career, graduate career). See University Policy 3230 (Calculation of GPA) for applicability of certain credits and grades.

3.2 Cumulative GPA

GPA calculated using all credits attempted at the University and all courses transferred into the University in a career (i.e., undergraduate career, graduate career). See University Policy 3230 (Calculation of GPA) for the applicability of certain credits and grades.

3.3 Early Reinstatement

Reinstatement after sitting out a portion of the time required (i.e., one semester) of a second dismissal.

3.4 Immediate Reinstatement

Reinstatement to the semester immediately following the dismissal.

3.5 Program-Specific GPA

Calculated only at the graduate level, this GPA is based on the specific courses identified in the Application for Admission to Candidacy form. See University Policy 3230 (Calculation of GPA) to determine how a GPA is calculated.

3.6 Satisfactory Progress

As it relates to academic progress (not financial aid), Satisfactory Progress may vary from academic program to academic program based on program requirements. Satisfactory Progress includes credit completion to stay on track within the required program timeline, attaining a minimum Cumulative GPA and Program-Specific GPA, meeting individual course requirements and completion of other program requirements specified by the department offering the degree.

3.7 Semester GPA

Calculated for all credits attempted and completed within a semester. W, CW, and I grades/credits are not calculated. See University Policy 3230, (Calculation of GPA) for applicability of certain credits and grades.

4. Satisfactory Academic Standing

4.1 Undergraduate Students

To remain in satisfactory academic standing, a student must maintain a minimum GPA for the number of credits earned, both transfer and Boise State. A student who fails to maintain the minimum Boise State University Cumulative GPA indicated in the table below will be placed on academic probation.

Cumulative Credits Earned
(Transfer and Boise State)
Minimum Boise State Cumulative GPA
BSU GPA only (Transfer GPA not included)
0 to 251.75
26 or more2.00

4.2 Graduate Students

All students admitted to the Graduate College, including degree and certificate students, and non-degree-seeking students, must maintain a Cumulative GPA requirement of 3.00, including transfer courses and undergraduate courses completed as part of their graduate career.

5. Academic Probation

5.1 Undergraduate Students

a. At the end of a semester (fall, spring, or summer) a student who does not attain the Boise State University Cumulative GPA required for the total number of hours earned (including transfer or non-traditional credit) will be placed on academic probation for the next semester of enrollment.

b. While on academic probation, a student is generally eligible to continue using Boise State University facilities and services and to participate in student life and co-curricular activities. However, individual organizations are allowed to impose restrictions to prohibit the participation of a student who is on academic probation.

5.2 Graduate Students

a. At the end of a semester (fall, spring, or summer), a student who does not attain the required Cumulative GPA of 3.0 (including transfer and undergraduate courses completed as part of their graduate career) is placed on academic probation for the next semester of enrollment.

b. While on academic probation, a student is generally eligible to continue using Boise State University facilities and services and participating in student life and co-curricular activities. However, individual organizations are allowed to impose restrictions to prohibit the participation of a student who is on academic probation.

6. Dismissal/Continued Probation

6.1 Undergraduate

a. If a student’s Boise State University Cumulative GPA is below the minimum specified in the table under Section 2.1 for undergraduate students, and if the Semester GPA is below 2.00, the student will be dismissed from the University.

b. If a student’s Boise State University Cumulative GPA is below the minimum specified above, but the Semester GPA is 2.00 or higher, the student will be placed on Continued Probation.

c. An undergraduate student may continue on probation for an unlimited number of semesters.

6.2 Graduate

a. If a student’s Cumulative GPA is below 3.00, and the Semester GPA is below 3.00, the student will be dismissed from the Graduate College and academic program.

b. If a student’s Cumulative GPA is below a 3.00, but the Semester GPA is 3.00 or higher, the student will be placed on continued probation.

c. A student may continue on probation for an unlimited number of semesters.

d. A student is ineligible for graduation if their Cumulative or Program-Specific GPAs are below 3.00 at the end of the semester in which they intend to graduate. A student may not list on their Application to Candidacy forms any course grades lower than a C or P, or any undergraduate, G-designated, or transfer courses with grades of B- or lower.

e. A graduate student who fails to make Satisfactory Progress towards their degree or certificate may be dismissed. The Satisfactory Progress Policy is outlined in the Graduate Academic Regulations chapter of the Graduate Catalog.

7. Removal from Probation (Undergraduate and Graduate)

A student on academic probation whose Cumulative GPA improves to the acceptable level for the credit hours earned, as noted in Section 5.1, will be removed from probation and considered in satisfactory academic standing.

8. Notification

A student will be notified by email (sent to the student’s Boise State email address) of probation, continued probation, dismissal, or removal from academic probation at the end of each semester and after grades are final.

9. Reinstatement

9.1 Undergraduate

a. A student dismissed from the University for the first time is required to sit out for one semester. The student is eligible for reinstatement after that semester. The summer does not qualify as a semester. A student dismissed from the University a second time is required to sit out for a full academic year. The student is eligible for reinstatement after that year.

b. A student may appeal for Immediate Reinstatement to the semester immediately following the dismissal by submitting an Academic Appeal to the University Appeals Committee. A student may appeal for Early Reinstatement after sitting out a portion of the time required by submitting an Academic Appeal to the University Appeals Committee. The Academic Appeals Form is available on the Registrar’s Office website. All University Appeals Committee decisions are final.

9.2 Graduate

a. A graduate student may request reinstatement following the procedures established under University Policy 3090 (Requesting Reinstatement to a Graduate Program).

b. A graduate student may request reinstatement to a graduate program or certificate from which they have dismissed; however, reinstatement is not guaranteed.

10. Dismissal Limits

10.1 Undergraduate

A student may receive no more than two (2) reinstatements and three (3) dismissals. The third dismissal will be final.

10.2 Graduate

A student may receive one (1) reinstatement, if approved by the graduate program or certificate program from which they have been dismissed. A second dismissal is final.

11. Academic Standing and Graduation

11.1 Undergraduate Students

An undergraduate student is ineligible for graduation with a Cumulative GPA below 2.00.

11.2 Graduate Students

A student with a Cumulative GPA below 3.00 is ineligible for graduation.

12. Forms

Academic Appeals Form

Graduate College Policy and Procedure Manual

Revision History

July 1, 1999; November 2, 2009; July 2015; August 2017; June 29, 2021