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Walking Directions

  1. After exiting the Rec Center main entrance, walk forward a few yards and then turn left. 
  2. After walking for several yards, there will be a staircase. 
  3. Walk down the staircase and turn left.  
  4. Follow the sidewalk, heading West, for approximately 400 feet. 
  5. Continuing West cross Michigan Avenue. Use caution there is no crossing signal here.  
  6. Continue West down the sidewalk until you reach the corner, approximately 575 feet. 
  7. At the corner, turn right. 
  8. Use the crosswalk signal to cross the University Drive. Use caution this is a busy intersection. 
  9. Once across the street, you will find several poles on the corner of the sidewalk you just crossed to. The large, blue pole furthest to the right is the first blue light.  



Here is your next riddle.

Everyone has it. 

Those who have it least don’t know

That they have it. 

Those who have it most wish they had less of it, 

But not too little or none at all.