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Service-Learning Course Offerings

Service Learning, International Rescue Committee, Photo Patrick Sweeney

Find classes by searching for college, instructor, or course (updated 8/21/2024).

Note: times and dates of classes may have changed; consult Broncoweb or the Student Center.

Additional course information and details on how to search for courses are found on Class Search within

Fall 2024 SL Classes

CollegeClassSectionClass NameFacultyMeeting Time/DaysCourse
COASART 4202Applied Projects Graphic DesgnEryn Pierce3:00-5:30pm MoWeIn Person
COASCOID 482, 5821UAS Flight Plan and OperationMegan Cattau12:00-2:45pm FrIn Person
COASCOMM 3511Intercultural CommunicationTherese Woozley3:00-4:15pm TuThIn Person
COENCORE 4054201Cyber Project Management & DsngKody Walker---Online
COENCORE 4804201Cyber CapstoneKevin Hunter---Online
COENCS 5391Social Media MiningFrancesca Spezzano12:00-1:15pm TuThIn Person
COEDED-ESP 2502Exceptionality in the SchoolsKathleen Conley12:00-1:15pm TuTh In Person
COEDED-LLC 3431Reading Diagnosis & InterventAngie DeGraw3:00-4:15pm TuThRemote
COEDED-LLC 3432Reading Diagnosis & InterventJenna Colson3:00-4:15pm TuThRemote
COEDEDU 6511EvaluationCarl Siebert7:30-10:15pm ThHybrid
COASENGL 10127Writing and Rhetoric IElizabeth Barnes9:00-10:15am TuHybrid
COASENGL 10128Writing and Rhetoric IElizabeth Barnes12:00-1:15pm TuHybrid
COASENGL 10129Writing and Rhetoric IElizabeth Barnes1:30-2:45pm TuHybrid
SPSENVSTD 1212Intro to the EnvironmentMari Rice9:00-10:15am TuThIn Person
SPSENVSTD 1213Intro to the EnvironmentMari Rice10:30-11:45am TuThIn Person
SPSENVSTD 3001Management and AnalysisMari Rice9:00-11:45am MoIn Person
COASFILM 3911Documentary ProductionRu Wood9:00-11:45am WeIn Person
COASGENDER 3807Sociology of the FamilyDesiree Brunette3:00-4:15pm TuThIn Person
COASGEOS 3051Global Climate ChangeKerrie Weppner1:30-2:45pm TuThIn Person
COASGEOS 4701Addressing Environmental ChangeJennifer Pierce10:30-11:45am MoWeIn Person
COHSHLTH 4901Capstone ExperienceJaime Sands9:00-10:15amTuThIn Person
COASIPS 490AllCommunity EngagementMargaret Sass---Online
COBEITM 430, 5301Predictive AnalyticsChristie Fuller3:00-4:15pm MoWeIn Person
COHSKINES 3791Motor Develop & Human BehLaura Petranek9:30-11:20am TuIn Person
COHSKINES 432AllConditioning ProceduresShawn SimonsonTBDIn Person
SPSLEAD 2251Civic Engagement and LeadershipLeo Mironovich1:30-4:15pm FrIn Person
COASLING 3271Applied LinguisticsCasey Iezzi1:30-2:45pm MoHybrid
COASMATH 1581Geometry & Measure for TeachersGay Lynn Erb4:30-5:45pm MoWeIn Person
COASMATH 1582Geometry & Measure for TeachersSasha Wang9:00-10:15am TuThIn Person
COENME 4771BiomaterialsSophia Theodossiou12:00-1:15pm MoWeIn Person
COBEMKTG 3151Marketing InsightsNiusha Jones3:00-4:15pm TuThIn Person
COBEMKTG 3152Marketing InsightsNiusha Jones4:30-5:45pm TuThIn Person
COASMUSIC 3721General Music MethodsLori Gray8:30-10:15am TuThHybrid
COBENONPROF 2404001Intro to Nonprofit MgmtMelinda Gauthier---Online
COBENONPROF 3404001Volunteer Mgmt & the NonprofitKathleen McDonald---Online
COBENONPROF 4404001Funding for NonprofitsKathleen McDonald---Online
COHSNURS 4171-5Community & Pop Health NursingJeannine Suter7:00am-7:00pm TuIn Person
COHSNURS 4176-9Community & Pop Health NursingJeannine Suter7:00am-4:00pm MoIn Person
COASPR 3011PR Campaign StrategiesChristine Moore1:30-2:45pm MoWeIn Person
COASPSYC 4381Community PsychologyTedd McDonald1:30-2:45pm TuThIn Person
SPSPUBADM 6921Capstone CourseBenjamin Larsen6:00-8:45pm WeIn Person
COBESCM 4352Project ManagementDaniel Rush10:30-11:45am TuThIn Person
COASSOC 3401Sociology of the FamilyDesiree Brunette3:00-4:15pm TuThIn Person
COHSSOCWRK 2011Foundations of Social WorkValerie Haddon4:30-7:15pm ThIn Person
COHSSOCWRK 2013Foundations of Social WorkAlyssa Reynolds10:30-11:45am TuThIn Person
COASSPAN 3001Spanish for BilingualsCarolina Viera4:30-5:45pm MoWeIn Person
COEDSTEM-ED 2101Knowing and LearningJan Smith12:00-1:15pm TuThP
COASUF 20038EthDiv & Tough ChoicesCarissa Wolf12:00-1:15pm MoWeIn Person
COASUF 2004016EthDiv & Free SpeechCarissa Wolf---Online
COASUX 469AllUser Research CapstoneKendall House---Online
COASUX-PRO 469AllUser Research CapstoneKendall House---Online
COASVIP 200, 400, 50040Building Resilient CommunitiesBrittany BrandTBDIn Person
SPSVIP 200, 400, 50027Housing Opportunities for AllKrista Paulsen & Vanessa Fry9:00-10:15am WeHybrid
COENVIP 200, 400, 5005NASA SUITSSteve SwansonTBDTBD
COENVIP 200, 400, 5006Autonomous RobiticsSteve SwansonTBDTBD
COENVIP 200, 400, 50046NASA Micro-g NExTSteve SwansonTBDTBD
COASWRITE 4031Editing for Clear CommunicationJennifer Mallette1:30-2:45pm MoWeIn Person