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Written Summary/Abstract

The written summary/abstract is due along with the main presentation (poster or video) submission on the following dates:

Fall 2023Wed. November 15, 2023
Spring 2024Tues. April 9, 2024

Submission Details

If you have any questions about the written summary, please email us at

Written Summary

For the SLx, we require that you write a summary of service-learning you did this semester. This is a way for you, the presenter, to catch the readers’ attention so that they will look at your submission more closely.

In your summary, please follow the following guidelines:

1.   Your summary should be a well developed paragraph with around 150-250 words. 

2.    Do NOT copy and paste from your poster / video artifact submission. However, there should also be no new or surprising information once put together with your submission.

3.    Include the following information:
An introductory sentence on your service-learning project and class.
– What is the name of this Service-Learning course? (Please refrain from just putting the abbreviation, such as: SOC 340)
– Which community partner (or community need, if you don’t have a formal partner) did you work with for your project?
– What did you do for your service-learning with this partner?

A body outlining an overview of your service-learning experience.
– Did the service help you understand the course material? How?
– Give an example of how your service connected to your class?
– What is something that surprised you?

Conclude by answering the following questions. 
 If you could go back to the beginning of your service, would you do anything differently?
– Has your thinking changed by being a part of a service-learning experience? In what ways?

Sample Summary:

In my Introduction to Social Welfare class, I partnered with the Good Samaritan Society in order to help with bingo nights. In each of my service opportunities, I met more and different people, had one-on-one conversations, and got to know lives that I would not have known otherwise. 

I was able to translate what I have been learning into a live situation. In my class, we talked about Active Theory. This theory states that the more physically and mentally active a person is, the more successfully they will age. I was able to see this theory in action.

At first, it was a little hard to go into a place where I didn’t know anyone and I didn’t know what to expect. After going to Good Samaritan a couple of times I became a lot more comfortable in that space. One thing that surprised me this semester was how much I love working with folks that are older. I have continued to volunteer at Good Samaritan Society and this experience has changed where I want to go with my degree in Social Work.

If I could go back to the beginning of my service, I would be more open with the population at the Good Samaritan. It was hard when I first started volunteering, but after I became more comfortable I really enjoyed this experience. My thinking has changed from having this service-learning course, and I have shifted my career goals for once I obtain my Social Work degree.