Payroll Corrections
Run the Salary Data Report to view employee payroll details like employee name, employee ID, pay type, position number and pay end date. A copy of the Salary Data Report is required when submitting Payroll Corrections.
Payables Corrections
Run the Payables – Campus Transaction Dashboard to view details like Transaction Number and GL Line Number. Details found on the Payables – Campus Transaction Dashboard are required when submitting Payables Corrections.
Journal Entry – Balance Transfer for Local Funds
Run the Local Fund Balance – BvA to view the fund balance of every Cost Center. Prior to year-end, a balance transfer must be submitted for any Cost Centers in deficit. Details found on the Local Fund Balance – BvA are required when submitting Balance Transfers. Note: Deficit balances must be cleared by year-end OR a plan must be in place with the Controller’s Office to clear the deficit. It is recommended that balances are reviewed monthly so departments can plan accordingly.
Journal Entry – Departmental Deposit
Run the Deposits – Campus Transaction Dashboard to view deposit information by department or cost center, deposit type, preparer group, and/or accounting dates. Details found on the Deposits – Campus Transaction Dashboard are required when submitting Departmental Deposit corrections.
Journal Entry – Transactions Without Transaction Number
Run the Account Analysis Report (AAR) or the Budget v Actual to view details about transactions. When running the BvA, drill to transaction details to see more information. Transactions without transaction numbers include reallocations and Accounts Receivables (AR) transactions. See the job aid instructions for additional details about required supporting documentation for these journal entries.