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Ismenia Gallegos

  1. How has learning Spanish impacted your view on the Spanish Speaking world?

    Learning Spanish has opened my eyes to the different perspectives and cultures that make up the Spanish Speaking World. It has opened my mind and has allowed me to connect with a variety of people. There are conversations I’ve experienced and knowledge I’ve gained that I never would have been able to had I not acquired a second language. Like Charlemagne said “To have another language is to possess a second soul.” You truly do get to experience people, food, events, and so much more in a magnificent way when you learn the language; it’s like experiencing a new world. 

  2. Has learning Spanish helped you in other aspects of your life?

    I spoke Spanish growing up, but studying it even deeper in an academic setting and fostering my skills has allowed me to better communicate with my own family and that in and of itself is priceless.

  3. What are some benefits to learning Spanish?

    Too many to count! But the first ones that come to mind are 1) As I learn more Spanish I learn even more about English as well! 2) New relationships 3) Boosts my brain power (it’s been proven!)

  4. What do you like about the Spanish Program at Boise State?

    I absolutely love that all of the instructors are passionate about exposing others to the language and the culture that surrounds it; they are all so kind and they really put forth their greatest effort to ensure that students are learning the language. My peers have been nothing short of wonderful to work with and practice with too! They are all beautiful people that I will never forget!

  5. How do you think Spanish will benefit you in the future?

    Aside from all of the wonderful interpersonal experience that comes with it, I think that Spanish will most certainly make me more marketable to companies and employers. Companies are always looking to expand their demographic and having an employee that knows how to relate to a particular culture is extremely beneficial to them.

  6. Why would you recommend the Spanish Program?

    I would recommend the Spanish program because the language is rich, the cultures are incredible to learn about, and, although it is already amazing, the people leading the program are constantly working to improve!

  7. What surprised you the most about learning Spanish?

    As a native speaker I always had the misconception that people had little to no interest in learning the Spanish language, so I was definitely surprised to find out that so many people love the language and the culture!

  8. What was the most memorable part of your experience learning Spanish so far?

    My most memorable experience so far is working at the WLRC! The most fantastic work environment with some of the smartest, most passionate people I know.

  9. What advice do you have for incoming perspective Spanish students?

    I would advise that you take Spanish all four years (and then some). It is so beneficial to know another language. Quadruple check your catalog and make sure you’re keeping up with the classes that you need. Plan it out and have somebody that knows that they’re doing help you out. Also, use your resources! The WLRC is a great place to seek assistance. As a graduating senior I would also advise above anything else to enjoy it and squeeze everything out of it that you can. These 4 years go by in a flash, and although it can be hard at times, if you put your best effort and positive attitude into it it’s going to be so rewarding; Don’t live in the future so much that you forget to enjoy the present.