Mandarin Chinese
Spoken by:
1.4 billion people worldwide
Countries where Chinese is Spoken:
China, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan
Why Study Chinese?
- “Learning Chinese gives you an advantage in international business, education, science and technology.”
– “Why Learn Mandarin Chinese“ - “China has the most people of any country in the world with a population of 1.4 billion.”
– “World O Meters“ - “China has a 5,000-year history including the oldest known living civilization.”
– “Ancient China“ - “China is the 2nd biggest economy in the world.”
– “China’s Economy and Its Effects on the US Economy“
Chinese Programatic Offerings
Bilingual Broncos
Get Involved
Chinese Club
The Boise State Chinese Club promotes international friendship and understanding, shares the Chinese culture and language, sponsors social events, and provides opportunities to enjoy good food and good friendship.
News & Updates
Experience Chinese Culture & Language Abroad
The Department of World Languages encourages students who wish to acquire proficiency at a “professional” level to spend time in a region whose language they are studying. Programs available through the Office of Global Learning Opportunities give students a chance to master a language and learn more about culture and customs, often while studying at foreign universities and living with local families.