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What to Disclose

University employees are encouraged to engage in outside activities consistent with the University mission. However, such activities should not interfere with University duties or distort professional judgment. To comply with University policies and applicable federal regulations, you are asked to disclose certain information about your activities that may result in a conflict of interest and/or conflict of commitment. Conflicts of interest / commitment are situational and can arise under many different circumstances. The following document is designed to assist you in determining what to disclose, but does not attempt to capture every possible conflict. Typically if an activity is related to what you do at Boise State University, it should be disclosed. Transparency is the best approach. If in doubt, disclose.

Outside Employment, Appointments, and Affiliations

Typically only external activities that are related to your institutional responsibilities must be reported. However, if the activity is not related to your institutional responsibilities but may interfere or appear to interfere with your ability to fulfill your institutional responsibilities to the University, the activity must be disclosed.

Required to Report

  • Any appointment, employment, or affiliation outside of Boise State University (include honorary, visiting, adjunct, and guest appointments)
  • Elected or appointed positions outside of Boise State University
  • Engaging in research or scholarship outside of Boise State University (not processed through the office of sponsored programs)
  • Any appointment or affiliation outside of Boise State that is or will be cited on a grant, publication, abstract, or presentation

Not Required to Report

  • Appointment, employment, or affiliations from Boise State University, including secondary appointments.
  • U.S. Professional Organization or Society: Membership, service that is not paid nor involves paid travel or speaking at or travel to national annual meetings, forums, congresses (under $5,000 in a 12-month period from a single entity)
  • Volunteer or pro-bono work that is unrelated to institutional responsibilities
  • Activities that are personal rather than professional in nature. Examples include: service to religious organizations, neighborhood associations, youth sports or recreation leagues, local clubs

Board Service, Management, and Fiduciary Responsibilities

Required to Report

  • Holding a board of director position outside of Boise State University
  • Holding a management position (including but not limited to director, officer, partner, trustee) outside of Boise State University
  • Having a fiduciary responsibility that requires you to act in the best interest of an entity other than Boise State University (even if not compensated)

Not Required to Report

  • Service on editorial boards provided compensation does not exceed $5,000 in a 12-month period and is performed for a US entity


Required to Report

  • Consulting outside of Boise State University
  • Expert Witness Activities
  • Scientific Advisor
  • Freelance Work
  • Confidentiality or Non-Disclosure agreements entered into as an individual

Not Required to Report

  • Academic or research presentations
  • Serving as a grant reviewer, including on grant review panels, for U.S. Federal, state, or local government agencies or U.S. Institutes of higher education
  • Writing or reviewing for publication (includes articles, journalistic pieces, book chapters, or books) provided compensation does not exceed $5,000 in a 12-month period and is performed for a US entity

Ownership Interests

Required to Report

  • Ownership (e.g., stock, stock options, LLCs, etc.) in a company (including startup companies)
  • Ownership of 5% or greater of a publicly-traded company that conducts business with Boise State University (e.g., sponsors research, contracts, vendor/supplier of goods/services)

Not Required to Report

  • Retirement accounts, including IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, or similar
  • College Savings Accounts, including 529s or similar
  • Health Saving Accounts

Intellectual Property

Required to Report

  • Intellectual Property rights (license/royalties of any amount paid directly to individual by an entity other than Boise State University)

Not Required to Report

  • Intellectual Property that has not been optioned, licensed, or reassigned, even if there is a patent


Reporting travel support is only required for Investigators that receive funding from certain agencies. Please refer to COI and Sponsored Travel. Reporting is required when the aggregate value of sponsored or reimbursed travel exceeds $5,000 from an entity in the previous 12 months.

Required to Report

  • Travel for which the individual is reimbursed by an outside entity
  • Travel that is paid for on the individual’s behalf by an outside entity
  • Includes any registration fees, accommodations, transportation costs, etc.

Examples of outside entities:

  • Professional societies
  • Foreign institutions of higher education
  • For-profit entities
  • Non-profit entities

Not Required to Report

  • Travel paid for by Boise State University
  • Travel paid for by U.S. federal, state, or local government agencies

International / Foreign Collaborations

Required to Report

  • Appointment, employment, or visiting scholar at a non-US entity (e.g., teaching a class/course, role at a start-up, directing a program, lab work, or other services typical for an employee or professor) 
  • Participation in a foreign talent recruitment (or similar) program 
  • Consulting and/or advising for a non-US entity
  • Travel paid or reimbursed by any non-US entity (any dollar amount)
  • Research support from or research engagement with a non-US entity that did not route through Boise State University
  • Grant reviewer or other advisory services for non-US institutions, organizations, and entities 
  • In-kind resources (e.g., lab, office, equipment, materials, reagents, personnel, etc.) provided by a non-US entity that you have access to or are using outside your Boise State University role 
  • Venture or other capital financing
  •  Non-US professional society participation (e.g., membership, leadership, travel, etc.)

Nepotism and Consensual Relationships

Persons involved in the hiring, supervision, and/or evaluation of employees or students must be particularly careful to avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest. Conflicts of interest related to the hiring, supervision, and/or evaluation of students or family members are governed by University policies Policy 7050 – Nepotism and Policy 7015 – Employee and Student Consensual Relationships. Investigators on sponsored projects must comply with these policies.