How To Appeal a SAP Hold
If extenuating circumstances affected your Satisfactory Academic Progress, you can submit a written appeal.
Extenuating Circumstances
Sometimes unexpected events in your life can impact your studies. Extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to, these examples:
- Unexpected death
- Major hospitalization
- Extended hospitalization
- Extended medical condition
- House fire
- Victim of a violent crime
In certain circumstances, changing majors or pursuing a second degree can also be considered extenuating. Students would want to be sure to include the reasons for changing majors or pursuing the second degree.
Unexpected employment or work issues beyond your control may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Your appeal needs to address and document these extenuating circumstances and describe how circumstances have changed so that you will be academically successful.
In some circumstances, appeals may contain information related to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and other forms of sex discrimination. According to Boise State policy, any incident of sexual harassment of any kind, including sexual assault, committed against students must be reported to the University Title IX Coordinator. Any documentation you provide may be submitted to their office.
In This Section:
Resolution of Circumstances
You must further demonstrate and explain how the extenuating circumstances have been resolved. If it is not clear that the circumstances have been resolved, your appeal will be denied.
Supporting Documentation
Appeals should include supporting documentation. Incomplete appeals or those missing documentation are typically denied.
Common Reasons Appeals are Denied
- Not including documentation, for circumstances that are documentable.
- Having circumstance that do not match the timelines of the semesters that led to the hold.
- Turning in plans that do not meet the Pace/GPA standard by the end of the plan (i.e. mathematically impossible).
How to Submit a SAP Appeal
- Check your SAP standards on your Student Center
- Write a detailed letter describing the extenuating circumstances that prevented you from meeting the SAP standards for GPA, Pace and/or Maximum Credits. Describe in detail how the situation has been resolved.
- Attach your letter to the SAP appeal form for GPA/Pace or Max Time Frame. If applicable to your extenuating circumstances, also attach copies of supporting documentation.
- While not all forms require an advisor signature, we recommend that you schedule a time to meet with your academic advisor to discuss your SAP appeal and your plans for academic success. (Meet by phone if you are in an online program.) We recommend that all students complete the Academic Plan section of the form with your advisor.
- Submit your complete appeal to the Financial Aid Office by email, fax or in person before the appeal deadline. Note: We cannot accept documentation with full social security numbers through our email; please redact the first 5 digits, leaving only the last 4 visible, or turn in your paperwork in person.
- A committee will review the appeal and their decision is final. Only one re-appeal will be considered per semester.
- Students who have successful appeals are then put on an academic plan.
SAP Appeal Deadlines
The deadline to appeal for fall/spring semesters is the 10th day of classes for the semester you are appealing for (census day).
The deadline for the summer semester is always June 15th.