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SERP Fate Data

Boise State’s Strategic Enrollment and Retention Plan (SERP) is a key component of goal 1 of the University’s strategic plan, improving educational access and student success. The SERP seeks to decrease equity gaps in access and graduation rates by half in 5 years, with particular focus on four specific student populations, especially those who come from Idaho.

  • First-generation college students
  • Pell-grant eligible students
  • Hispanic/Latinx students
  • Rural Idaho students

The data represented in the dashboards on this page are referred to as Fate data. They represent the enrollment status of a group of undergraduate students for a given fall semester (10th Day) one year later in the following fall semester, among other information for the four SERP groups.

This is not a cohort analysis that follows one set of students over several years and the data does not report the retention rate. Our official retention rate definition is limited to first-time, full-time students, whereas this data includes all degree-seeking students. These dashboards help to answer the question:

“For students in a given fall semester, in a given SERP population, college, department, and either academic level or program type, where were they one year later?”Boise State’s Strategic Enrollment and Retention Plan (SERP)

SERP Populations by Year

SERP Populations & Percentage Point Gap

About The Strategic Enrollment and Retention Plan (SERP)

The SERP addresses two questions: How can we create more access to a Boise State degree, especially for Idaho students we’ve traditionally underserved? And once students have joined our community, what can we do to support each student to have a rich, high-quality experience that leads to a degree? More details about SERP including the full plan are available on the Boise State SERP Webpage.

About The Data

The data represents 10th-day snapshots for each given fall semester. Department, college, and university totals are unduplicated with order of preference for students with multiple statuses at that level given to the higher Fates on the previous list. In a similar fashion, in the rare case when a student ends up with multiple Fates from one Fall to the next, the student is classified according to the highest Fate. Additional views of the fate data are available on the Boise State Fate Dashboard.

Users are advised to consider the varied structure and composition of departments (the number of programs they have, whether they have limited enrollment or competitive admission, etc.) when reviewing this data to avoid making inappropriate comparisons.


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Accessibility Notice

The Tableau interactive dashboards presented here are built with accessibility needs in mind. However, if you need help accessing the results displayed in the data visualizations, please call 208-426-1575 or email