Tuition Assistance
I've been approved to use Tuition Assistance from my branch and have a TA Award Authorization. What do I do next?
Once you have a PDF file of your Tuition Assistance form, be sure to upload it through our website so that we can begin processing it: TA Submission Form. We then apply the funding to your student account balance within a few business days. You’ll need to do this each time you have a new TA form.
I have classes that begin in both the first and second seven-week sessions of a semester. Do I request TA for all of these classes at once?
Because you are only permitted to request TA a specific number of days before the start date of classes, you may need to create two separate TA requests in your branch’s education platform each semester. TA request “windows” for each branch broken down by class start date can be found under the tabs in the “TA by Branch” section on our TA webpage. Be sure to input exact start and end dates for each class when you are creating your TA requests.
My date of separation is before the end of a class. Can I still use TA?
To be eligible to use Tuition Assistance for a class, your DOS must fall within the start and end dates of that class. Your TA request will be denied by your education office if the class ends after your DOS.
Am I eligible for Tuition Assistance through the Air National Guard?
ANG students are not eligible for Federal TA unless they are AGR or on active orders for the duration of a semester. Drill-status Airmen have access to State TA (SEAP), which acts as a reimbursement and is processed entirely through their Wing Training Manager.