2019 LTS Faculty Survey
On January 30, 2019, LTS emailed 1377 faculty and 408 faculty responded and completed the survey, a response rate of 30%. The survey focused on Blackboard with a block of 10 questions which focused primarily on user satisfaction. The survey also included a series of 3 questions regarding learning tools, and a catchall question at the end for final thoughts. There were more open-ended questions included this year in an attempt to get more detailed answers. Our results indicate that respondents view Blackboard as very important to the delivery of their classes and they are comfortable with Blackboard and satisfied with Blackboard. Respondents did identify two problem areas, the user interface (the word clunky came up) and grading. There is some interest in reviewing alternatives. Usage of LTS and OIT supported tools is widespread in our sample, and adoption and interest in new technologies is constrained by time and training opportunities. Respondents used the catchall question at the end to praise LTS for their excellent support.
For more information, those at Boise State can view the abbreviated survey results.
To request a full copy of the survey, email lts@boisestate.edu