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Meet the Advisory Board: Dennis Hall

How long have you served on the Advisory Board?

Dennis Hall
Dennis Hall

My board term started on July 1, 2018.

Are you part of any committees? If so, what is your role?

I serve on the Tack 4 committee and assist the committee chair. I am the chair of the Board Development Committee.

What is your most memorable Osher Institute experience?

As Osher Board members, we are asked to introduce the guest presenters. Each time I get to do that is a special moment but none more special when the presenter is a fellow Osher Board member like Ralph Bild or Chuck Folkner.

Favorite Osher presentation you have attended thus far?

Picking a favorite Osher presentation is an impossibility for me. There are just too many favorites. Some include subjects in which I have had no previous interest or knowledge. The high level of instruction continues to impress me.

Are you a Boise native? If not, where are you originally from?

Through age 9 I live in Corcoran, a small cotton farming community in Central California. From there we moved to Fresno where I lived through college. After a couple of back-and-forths from Arizona to California I ended up in Billings, MT. for almost 40 years. In late 2016 me moved to Boise. Within our first week here a neighbor introduced us to The Flicks and Osher – now two of our favorites.

What is your career history?

My careers include radio broadcasting, sales for the Bell System, kitchen cabinet design & sales, aerial photography and 25+ years as an investment advisor/financial consultant.

What hobbies do you enjoy?

My hobbies include working in the yard, reading and people.

What are you doing to occupy your time during the stay-at-home order?

We are observing physical not social distancing. My contacts with friends and family have been more frequent during the sequester. A return to “normal” life, whatever that will be, and Osher will be most welcomed.