One of the benefits of our recent WordPress media migration is that the Enable Media Replace plugin now works as expected.
Previously, Enable Media Replace had a love-hate relationship with our Amazon Web Services Content Delivery Network (CDN). This made replacing media files a challenge, as the plugin would often get confused and not work as intended.
Now that we’ve decommissioned our CDN, the plugin is now reliable.
How it works
Within the Edit Media view you’ll find an option for “Replace Media”:

1. Locate the “Replace Media” option: Navigate to your media file and select “Edit.”
2. Upload a New File: Select the “Replace Media” button.
3. Choose Your Replacement Method:
- “Just replace the file”: This option allows you to replace the media file without altering any existing links. Simple, straightforward, and hassle-free.
- “Replace the file, use the new file name, and update all links”: This updates links on your own site but be cautious—links on other university websites pointing to your file will break.
For most cases, we recommend the “Just replace the file” option to avoid any broken links across the university’s network.
Need help?
Please contact the Help Desk if you have questions about using Enable Media Replace.