Accessible Text
Text makes up the largest percentage of your web content. As such, it’s one of the most important tools you can use for creating accessible content.
Use these tips for writing more accessible text.
Writing More Accessible Text
Break up into smaller sections
No one likes to read a giant wall of text. Instead, break your text up into smaller chunks of content. This provides white space to help users read the content on the page easier.
Avoid text styles
Adding bold, underline, italic, and different alignments to your content can make the information harder to understand. Use sparingly or not at all.
Use headings
Use headings to help your users find what they need faster. Headings tell the user “what’s in this section” and help make your pages easier to scan. Often, users will only read the heading to navigate to where they need to go on the page.
Check for readability
The Yoast SEO tool, available within WordPress, can help you identify pages with low readability scores. Use the tips provided in the tool to improve content readability.
Watch “Mastering Web Accessibility: Underlined Text”
Underlined text is sometimes used to emphasize important information, but this can be problematic on the web. Watch this video to learn more about the challenges of underlining and what you can do instead.
View full video transcript (opens in a new window)
Going Further
Learn more about editing text in WordPress by visiting Webguide: WordPress Text Editor.
Next learn how to write more accessible links.