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Due Dates And Suggested Activities

Then following table shows the 2023-2024 due dates for key tasks that department leaders are responsible for per month. Additional due dates will be added throughout the year for one-time tasks that are assigned to department leaders (at the university level). In addition, this page offers several suggested activities for department leaders to consider each month that will help in preparing for the tasks.

2023-2024 Monthly Calendar for Department Leaders

Updated October 22, 2023
Aug 4AdjunctsLOAs for Fall typically dueLetters of Appointment
Aug 22Spring ScheduleReview 1 closed for departmentsDepartment Deadlines for Schedule of Classes

Scheduling Forms
Aug 29Summer ScheduleReview 1 openDepartment Deadlines for Schedule of Classes
Aug - SeptPARDepartments with PAR reports due in the current academic year are notified in August. PAR-FDR organizing/informational meetings are held.Program Assessment Reporting
Aug - SeptUF/GECDepartments with Foundations of the Discipline Reports (FDRs) due in the current academic year are notified in August. PAR-UF organizing/informational meetings are held.Program Assessment Reporting
Sept 1BudgetSubmit application for special course or program fee to be implemented the subsequent spring/summer semesterSpecial Course or Program Fees
Sept 18Spring ScheduleReview 2 (with room assignments) for departments to make changesScheduling
Sept 27Spring ScheduleReview 2 closed for departmentsScheduling
TBDPost-Tenure ReviewProvost distributes post-tenure review requests to Department Chairs. Chairs implement post-tenure review processes in the department.Periodic Review of Tenured Faculty
Oct-DecUF/GECFaculty who teach Foundations of the Discipline (FD) courses for non-majors are sent further information in October about FD faculty ULO assessment survey due in January.

Dept. reps consult with FD faculty and ensure they are prepared to complete the FD survey in January. For example, clarifying common assignments to be used (if any).
Program Assessment Reporting
Oct 1GEC CurriculumDeadline for submitting changes to GECCurriculum Change Request
Oct 1CatalogRegistrar’s Office distributes First Proof copies of the next academic year Undergraduate Catalog to Department Chairs for review in OctoberPolicy 4150
Oct 9Summer ScheduleReview 1 closesScheduling
Oct 15P&TTenure and promotion dossiers due to College CommitteeUniversity Tenure and Promotion Guidelines
Oct 15TextbooksSubmit spring textbook orders to BookstoreBookstore
Oct 15SabbaticalProvost distributes Call for Sabbatical ApplicationsFaculty Sabbatical Leave policy
Oct 24Fall ScheduleReview 1 openScheduling
Oct 30Summer ScheduleReview 2 openScheduling
Nov 1EmeritusDeadline for Emeritus Faculty approval for Winter CommencementApplication for Emeritus Status

Policy 4280
Nov 1CurriculumDeadline for submitting PROGRAM changes for the next catalogCurriculum Management
Nov 1PARDepartments/programs submit PAR Follow-up Report of the discussion and summary of actions to be taken.Typical timeline
Nov 20Fall ScheduleReview 2 closedDepartment Deadlines for Schedule of Classes
TBDPost-Tenure ReviewFaculty post-tenure review evaluations due to DeanPeriodic Review of Tenured Faculty
TBDPost-Tenure ReviewDeans submit post-tenure review documentation to ProvostPeriodic Review of Tenured Faculty
TBDPost-Tenure ReviewProvost sends post-tenure review letters to Faculty, Department Chairs, and DeansPeriodic Review of Tenured Faculty
DecBudgetProvost forwards Annual Budget Planning documents to Deans in DecemberBudget and Planning
DecPARPLOs updated on the assessment website; summary reports are shared with dean, provost, and other admin /governance as needed.Typical timeline
Dec 1SabbaticalFaculty submit sabbatical applications and supporting documentation to Department ChairsFaculty Sabbatical Leave policy
Dec 1P&TCandidates notified of College Committee recommendationsUniversity Tenure and Promotion Guidelines
Dec 2AdjunctsSubmit Letters of Appointment for adjunct faculty teaching spring semester

Send list of new adjuncts to CTL for inclusion in New Adjunct Orientation
Letters of Appointment
TBDPost-Tenure ReviewProvost notifies individuals, chairs, and deans of the outcome of the post-tenure reviewPeriodic Review of Tenured Faculty
Dec 15P&TCollege promotion and tenure committee forwards all materials and recommendations to the DeanUniversity Tenure and Promotion Guidelines
Dec 30SabbaticalSubmit sabbatical applications and recommendations forwarded to DeansApplication for Sabbatical Leave
JanUF/GECFD Faculty Surveys about ULO assessment DUE in late January.Program Assessment Reporting
Jan-AprPARDepartments with reports due during next academic year are notified.

Depts./programs gather and evaluate evidence of student learning; discuss findings/observations; participate in CTL workshops; seek consultations (as needed); write reports.
Typical timeline
JanCurriculumProvost submits all approved curriculum changes to Registrar’s Office for inclusion in Undergraduate Catalog in early JanuaryCurriculum Management
Jan 1-14BudgetFY2X Budget Kickoff Memo typically comes outBudget and Planning
Jan 1Special Course FeesSubmit Special Course or Program Fee applications for implementation in FallSpecial Course or Program Fees
Jan 10Fall ScheduleReview 1 closedDepartment Deadlines for Schedule of Classes
Jan 15SabbaticalDeans submit sabbatical applications and recommendations for review by Sabbatical Committee to ProvostFaculty Sabbatical Leave policy
Jan 15P&TDeans notify tenure candidates of their recommendationsUniversity Tenure and Promotion Guidelines
Jan 25CurriculumSpring deadline for submitting course to GECUniversity Curriculum Committee
Jan 25UP/GECDepartments that offer general ed courses turn in follow-up course review materials to the GEC during the year following initial ULO reporting.Typical timeline
Jan 31P&TDeans submit tenure materials and recommendations to the ProvostUniversity Tenure and Promotion Guidelines
Feb 1EvaluationsDeadline for faculty to add activities to F180Faculty 180 Info
Feb 5Fall ScheduleReview 2 openDepartment Deadlines for Schedule of Classes
Feb 15UF/GECResults of FD Faculty Surveys reported back to department chairs and course coordinators by February 15.Typical timeline
Feb 15CurriculumDeadline for submitting COURSE changes to be included for summer/fall continuing student registrationCurriculum Management
Feb 15Fall ScheduleReview 2 closed for departments.Department Deadlines for Schedule of Classes
~Feb 20BudgetExecutive Budget Committee MeetingBudget and Planning
~Feb 21BudgetStudent Tuition & Fee Hearing-Lookout RoomBudget and Planning
~Feb 28BudgetLocal Budget Templates due to OBPBudget and Planning
MarBudgetProvost requests Salary Recommendations (if funds for salary increases appropriated by the legislature) in MarchBudget and Planning
MarBudgetDeans submit Annual Budget Planning documents to Provost in MarchBudget and Planning
Mar 1Performance EvaluationsSubmit professional and classified staff annual performance evaluations to Human Resource ServicesPerformance Evaluations
Mar 1P&TPresident notifies candidates of promotion and tenure decisionUniversity Tenure and Promotion Guidelines
Mar 15TextbookSubmit summer textbook orders to BookstoreBookstore
Mar 15BudgetCEC spreadsheets for faculty typically dueSee Employee Raises: A Walk-Through the CEC Process for the FY24 process.
Mar 15Performance EvaluationsAnnual performance evaluations due to facultyPolicy 4290
Mar 31Performance EvaluationsFinal annual performance evaluations due to facultyPolicy 4290
~Mar 31BudgetLast day to submit permanent budget transfers

Last day to submit fiscal year employee actions (e.g. EAFs, PageUp) for any changes to be reflected in Budget Books
Budget and Planning
Apr 1Special Course FeesDeans submit requests for special course fees for Spring to ProvostSpecial Course or Program Fees
Apr 1EmeritusDeadline for Emeritus Faculty approval for Winter CommencementApplication for Emeritus Status

Policy 4280
Apr 1P&TCandidates for promotion and tenure who will apply in Fall next year notify their department chair of their intentionUniversity Tenure and Promotion Guidelines
~Apr 4Spring ScheduleReview 1 open (final date yet to be determined)Department Deadlines for Schedule of Classes
Apr 15TextbooksSubmit fall textbook orders to BookstoreBookstore
Apr 15Performance EvaluationsAnnual faculty evaluations due to the deanPolicy 4290
Apr 15AdjunctsSubmit Letters of Appointment for adjunct faculty teaching summer coursesLetters of Appointment
May 1PARProgram Assessment Reports and Foundations of the Discipline Reports (where applicable) are DUE.

PAR: reports templates I, II and curriculum map template.
Typical timeline
May 1UF/GECProgram Assessment Reports and Foundations of the Discipline Reports (where applicable) are DUE.

FDR: Depts/programs that offer Foundations of the Discipline courses to non-majors complete one report template for each of their general education courses.
Typical timeline
MayP&TRequest promotion and tenure letters from external reviewersUniversity Tenure and Promotion Guidelines
June – AugustPARFeedback assembled and provided to departmentsTypical timeline

Suggested Activities by Month

Fall Semester


  • Send correspondence to faculty to provide information about scheduled department activities
  • Encourage all new faculty to participate in New Faculty Orientation programs, including adjuncts, lecturers, clinical faculty, research faculty, tenure-track faculty, and so on.
  • Schedule a retreat or extended meeting to discuss department operating procedures, committee structures, and priorities
  • Schedule a social activity after classes begin for faculty, staff and students
  • Review department budget and set up monitoring systems
  • Check registration totals to make enrollment decisions
  • Get in the habit of reading the HRS Review online newsletter that provides information about hiring, fee waiver deadlines, medical insurance open enrollment periods, and other pertinent procedures and deadlines


  • Develop a regular department meeting schedule and seek input for agenda items
  • Plan for use of travel funds for the fiscal year
  • Meet with new faculty individually to set expectations and begin preparing for progress toward tenure
  • Ensure that student clubs have a faculty advisor who will provide active guidance and assistance
  • Review Affirmative Action procedures for recruiting and hiring new faculty and staff
  • Begin the Notice of Intent process if your department is anticipating any program or course changes (this includes creating a new degree). Communicate with College/School curriculum committee if changes will be forthcoming.
  • If applicable, discuss feedback and next steps based on PAR results and analysis


  • Meet with all faculty periodically to share information, answer questions, troubleshoot issues, etc.
  • Monitor local and grant accounts in addition to monthly budget expenditures
  • Ensure that advisor assignment procedures are in place and that advisors know who their advisees are and advisees know who their advisors are
  • Familiarize yourself with the University and College strategic plans and discuss with your faculty and staff how your department is in alignment with both
  • Start hiring adjunct faculty for spring semester
  • Encourage faculty to sponsor undergraduate students’ research projects for the Undergraduate Research Showcase usually held in April.. Abstract applications are usually due in February for participation in the Showcase.


  • Assign faculty to march in Winter Commencement
  • Ensure that procedures are in place to conduct student evaluations of courses
  • Monitor enrollment trends for spring semester and make adjustments as needed
  • Submit nominations of faculty for Provost’s Excellence in Advising Award to Advising and Academic Enhancement
  • Invite faculty and students to participate in Boise State University’s Legislative Day at the Statehouse in January


Prepare end-of-semester reminders to faculty and staff regarding the exam policy for the last week of classes (i.e. “dead week”), grade posting, etc.

Spring Semester


  • PAR: Depts./programs gather and evaluate evidence of student learning; discuss findings/observations; participate in CTL workshops; seek consultations (as needed); write reports.
  • Check registration totals to make enrollment decisions.
  • Send list of new adjuncts to CTL for inclusion in New Adjunct Orientation.
  • Conduct elections for mid-year committee vacancies.
  • Plan and conduct a department meeting prior to the start of classes.
  • Conduct mid-year review of budget to ensure operating funds for the rest of the year.
  • Contact Extended Studies if department is considering idea of developing a new online degree. Process can take 4-5 semesters to move through design and approval activities.
  • Begin performance evaluations for adjunct faculty. See resources here.


  • Run Validation Report to verify approved Fall semester course fees.
  • Invite students to meet with academic advisors prior to summer and fall class registration
  • Schedule information sessions for sophomores and juniors considering graduate school


  • Assign faculty to march in Spring Commencement
  • CEC spreadsheets are typically due to the dean between March 1 and May 31


  • Monitor enrollment trends for summer and fall semester and make adjustments as needed
  • Ensure that procedures are in place to conduct student evaluations of courses
  • Encourage faculty to participate in orientation programs for new students and families
  • Finish PAR, if applicable

May, June, July

  • Let CTL know who your new adjuncts are
  • Plan summer staffing for administrative assistance, advising, and managing department tasks
  • Notify students if department hours of service will be limited
  • Remind faculty to provide contact information for the summer
  • Take a break!
  • Catch up, plan ahead, re-engage in scholarly activities, etc.
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