Friday Schedule Update
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Computer Science Alumni

The department would like to remain connected with graduates through communications such as our annual newsletter and invitations to our Annual Alumni Social in Boise (typically held the week prior to the start of the fall semester). Please make sure we have your information up to date or tell us of your successes (New job? New start-up idea? New patent?) by completing our ‘Where am I now?’ Alumni Information Form. In the meantime, you can catch up on department happenings by reviewing the latest news or following Boise State CS online.

Make a Donation Today! Support students by donating to the Computer Science Endowed Scholarship Fund (NS069) or the department by donating to the Department of Computer Science Fund (NR070). Why give?

Alumni in the News

Featured Student: Floriana Ciaglia
Dillon Woods: Founder of and Boise State Alumnus
Featured Student: Kamryn Parker
“Tech Takes Off” in Boise (Idaho Business Review)
Boise State CS at the Center of the Downtown Boise Tech Industry (Idaho Business Review)
Congratulations to the Class of 2017!
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