These funds provide direct emergency assistance for Boise State students who have incurred unanticipated expenses due to the disruption of campus operations in response to COVID-19. Boise State’s goal is to assist students with the greatest financial need, in accordance with federal guidelines. Funds will immediately be offered to students who meet the following criteria:
- Must have been enrolled through the end of the 2020 spring semester
- Currently enrolled, degree-seeking undergraduate or graduate students, and not enrolled in an exclusively online program (on March 13, 2020)
- Title IV eligible as determined by the FAFSA
- Meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
- Have an official expected family contribution (EFC) between $0 – $10,000
- Not receiving a senior citizen, faculty/staff/dependent waiver
- Incurred unanticipated COVID-19 related expenses including, for example, additional childcare, technology or moving expenses.
Students enrolled in the summer semester will be considered for emergency funding based on the same criteria. Summer funds will be distributed after June 9, 2020. Students enrolled in the fall term will also be eligible for funds under the same terms; fall funds will be distributed after September 14, 2020.
Students that do not meet the FAFSA EFC requirement above but who have incurred expenses due to the disruption of campus operations in response to COVID-19 had the opportunity to submit an application to be considered for funding. Unfortunately the deadline has passed to submit the secondary application at this time. The deadlines for submitting the secondary application were:
- Â Summer semester – June 9, 2020
- Fall semester – September 9, 2020
All applications will be reviewed after the deadline.