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Invoice Payments

Invoice Payments are submitted for products/services that do not require a Purchase Order and cannot be paid for via P-Card.

These requests also include honorariums, refunds, reimbursements, subscriptions, and memberships.

Policy 6230: The Purchase and Offering of Gifts/Awards/Incentives

Invoice Payments Resources

Getting Started

What do I need to know before getting started?


Invoice Payment Search Functionality

Use the search functionality in the Invoices module to view details for a specific invoice or invoices for a specific supplier. View details like name of the Invoice Payment requester, amount of the Invoice Payment and Invoice Payment approval status. Visit the Reviewing Invoice Payment Status job aid for more details.

Payables – Campus Transaction Dashboard

Use the Payables – Campus Transaction Dashboard to view a larger amount of payable data based on your search criteria. This report is easily exportable to excel for further analysis. Details like Invoice Payment requester, amount, status, date of payment and funding segment string used to code the transaction.

Confirm the accuracy of the funding segment string used for Invoice Payments. If an incorrect segment string was used to code a transaction, a Payables Correction must be submitted. Visit Financial Transaction Corrections for more information.

Transaction Approval Dashboard

Use the Transaction Approval Dashboard to view approval status information for Invoice Payments submitted by your department. This dashboard should be used to identify where transactions are currently at in the approval process or to review the approval history.

Department Financial Summary Review

Prior to approving financial transactions, the department funding source person is responsible for confirming the availability of funds.

For transactions coded to an appropriated fund, run the Remaining Appropriated Budget Report. This report provides a summary of the remaining budget for appropriated funding sources.

For transactions coded to a local fund, run the Local Budget Variance Report. This report provides a summary of the budget and actual expenses for local funding sources.

Appropriated and Local Summary – BvA

The Budget vs Actuals (BvA) Reports should be reviewed at least once per month to monitor department-specific financial activity for combinations of funding segment string values by fund. For more information about BvA Reporting, visit Financial Reporting.


What attachments are required when submitting Invoice Payments?

A valid invoice from the supplier is required. A valid invoice includes the following:

  • Supplier’s Name, address, and contact information
  • Date – Invoice date, service date, or delivery date. If requesting non-employee travel reimbursement, dates of travel must be included.
  • Description of the service provided or the product purchased
  • Total amount due

Quotes and bids are not considered invoices.

  • Attachments required for Invoice Payments – Digital Payment are outlined in the job aid.
  • Depending on the type of Invoice Payment, other attachments may be required. See the following Documents section for details.


What documents should I be aware of?

  • Follow the steps on the Inviting Vendors to PaymentWorks job aid to add a new supplier to Bronco Hub. Do not request a Substitute W-9 from the vendor/supplier.
  • Retreat Request: This form is required when requesting payment for retreat related expenses.
  • Non-Employee Reimbursement Request: This form is required when requesting reimbursement to a non-employee for expenses related to university business. If the non-employee reimbursement is non-taxable you can use the job aid Submitting Invoice Payment – Digital Payment which is easier by reducing the need to set up a supplier or multiple suppliers and reduces the amount of transactions needing approval.
  • Event Expense Summary: This form is required when requesting payments related to meals, refreshments, and alcohol.
  • General Counsel Approved Contract/Agreement: Written supplier contracts/agreements approved by General Counsel. If attaching a General Counsel approved contract/agreement, redact sensitive supplier information prior to attaching the document in Bronco Hub.

Invoice Payments Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit more than one invoice for payment?

A separate Invoice Payment must be completed for each invoice document.

What should be done if the Invoice Payment will not validate in Bronco Hub?

Line Variance error is a common reason for Invoice Payments to not validate. This happens when the line amounts do not match the header amount. Make sure the lines match or add up to the amount in the header. For other validation issues and errors, please contact Payables at (208) 426-3434.

How do I know if the invoice has been paid?

Follow the instructions in the Payments – Campus Transaction Dashboard job aid to view payment status.

What should be done if I cannot find the supplier (or supplier site) I need to pay when entering an Invoice Payment?

The supplier record needs to be created before the Invoice Payment can be entered. If the supplier or supplier site cannot be found with the search functionality, please contact and request the supplier be added or address updated. For new supplier requests, include a copy of the invoice (for name and address information) with your email.

What should I do if Payables rejects an Invoice Payment?

An Invoice Payment rejected because of an incorrect supplier or supplier site must be cancelled and entered again. Payables will cancel the Invoice Payment. Please see the Invoice Payment Numbering Convention for instructions on what to enter for the corrected invoice number.

An invoice rejected for an incorrect invoice number, invoice amount, invoice date, or unclear business purpose can be edited and resubmitted for approval. Please see the job aid for further instruction.

What should I do if an Invoice Payment is Rejected by Department Approvers?

If an invoice was already paid, please contact Payables to have the Invoice Payment cancelled.

If rejected because the funding or segment string needs changed, follow instructions on the Edit a Previously Validated Invoice Payment.

What do I do if I get an error message saying “This invoice number already exists. Enter a unique invoice number.”

Follow the steps in the Review Invoice Payment Status job aid to research and confirm the invoice was not paid. If it has been paid, cancel out of the Invoice Payment window. If it cannot be verified that it has not been paid, further research will be needed, please contact Payables for assistance.

Best Practices

What are best practices for submitting an Invoice Payment?

  • P-Card is the preferred method for purchasing goods and services at Boise State.
  • Run the Supplier Search in Bronco Hub to verify the University has an existing relationship with the vendor/individual you are submitting the Invoice Payment for.
  • If you are submitting an Invoice Payment and do not have an invoice number, follow the instructions on the Invoice Numbering Convention to generate a unique invoice number prior to creating an Invoice Payment in Bronco Hub.
  • Project funded Invoice Payments: If using a project Fund (1st segment, 4 digits) for an Invoice Payment, you must also complete the POET fields or the transaction will be rejected upon initiation of the approval workflow. See the Submitting Invoice Payments job aid for step by step instructions.
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