Fix Misspellings
In this video, you’ll learn how to access the misspellings from the Quality Assurance module.
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Fix Misspellings in Monsido
Monsido has tools to help you monitor your site’s quality and verify compliance with accessibility and university web standards. From Monsido you can review any potential or confirmed misspellings on your site. Follow these steps to access the misspellings from the Quality Assurance module.
To get started, from the Monsido Dashboard navigate to the Quality Assurance section to see an overview of how many broken links, broken images, and confirmed misspellings are on your site. You can also access the Quality Assurance module from the navigation. The Misspellings page is located in the SpellCheck menu item.Â
In this example we are selecting Confirmed Misspellings from the Dashboard to access the Misspellings page directly.Â
From the Misspellings page, there is a table containing all the confirmed misspellings. In this case, there are six results. If there are multiple pages of results in this table, you can select the Filter button to filter the list by labels, or if you want to view your data in a spreadsheet, you can select the Export button. The search field also lets you search for words within the table.Â
Within the table you’ll see a column for Word. This is how the word appears on your site. The Lookup in Google column provides a quick access link to find the word in Google. Selecting this opens the results in a new window. The language column indicates the language for the word. The Pages column indicates how many pages the misspelling is located on. Lastly, the Actions button provides you with options to add to dictionary, add to dictionary for all languages, ignore misspelling, or marked as fixed.Â
To fix a misspelling on your webpage or webpages, select the Pages hyperlink to open the page details table. From the page details table, select a single page to open the page details.Â
From the Page Details, the CMS button takes you directly to the edit view of your page in WordPress. You may be prompted to login if you are not already.Â
If you have the browser extension installed, you can select inspect page with browser extension to see where on your page the misspelling is located. The highlight option in the browser extension will highlight the issue on the page. You can also toggle to view the HTML.Â
After fixing the misspelling, you can mark as fixed either in the browser extension, or using the Action button in the Monsido platform.Â
You can also select the Recheck this Page button in the browser extension or from the Page Details to request that Monsido rescan and update the page information.
To exit the page details, simply close the window.
To quickly review your potential misspellings navigate to the Potential Misspellings page located in the Spellcheck section of the Quality Assurance navigation.Â
Select the Play button to open a new window. This function allows you to quickly review all your potential misspellings and either mark them as a misspelling, add to dictionary, or add to dictionary for all languages. You also have an option to look up in Google.Â
If you mark any items as misspelling, they will now appear in your misspellings list. To close this window, select close.