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Site Settings

Site Settings let you control how your local site footer is displayed, such as the name, email, phone, and campus location. In Site Settings you can also activate the User Feedback Survey Link feature.

Contact Info

The Contact Info settings group displays just above the global site footer and will display on the bottom of every page for your local site. If no content is entered, no changes will be seen on the frontend of the site. If any single field is entered, that content will be displayed above the global site footer.

  1. From the Dashboard locate Settings, then select Site Settings.
  2. In the Contact Info panel populate the input fields.
  3. Department Name. Refer to the University Writing Style Guide for content help. For example, do not use an ampersand.
  4. Contact Email and Contact Phone.
  5. Campus Location. When space is limited, omit room numbers and floor levels. City, state, and zip code information should reside in a contact web page with mailing and physical address information.
  6. X, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and LinkedIn accounts. This will automatically create a second row in your site footer that displays social media icons for each field that you fill in.

Secondary Alert Settings

A Secondary Alert is a site-specific notification or alert box that can be added to a WordPress site as needed. Alerts are formatted as a black, blue or orange box that will display below the horizontal navigation. The alert consists of a title and a short message. Site admins can activate and deactivate existing Secondary Alerts with the Current Alert dropdown in Site Settings. Please contact the Help Desk for assistance creating a Secondary Alert for your site.

User Feedback Survey Link

Configure the User Feedback Survey Link to enable this feature on your site. This setting will enable a “feedback” link on all your local site pages. Clicking this link will go to the defined URL. You can link the feedback URL to a Form web page you create or Qualtrics survey. If you choose to add a User Feedback Survey to your site, you must meet all web accessibility standards for forms.

  1. Create a Form web page.
  2. From the Dashboard locate Settings, then select Site Settings.
  3. Activate the Enable Feedback Link toggle to yes.
  4. Insert the Feedback Link URL from the form web page you created.
  5. Select an option for the Feedback Link Target, either New Tab or Same Tab. For the best visitor experience, Same tab is preferred.