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GradWell Resources

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Graduate Student Resources

Institutional Framework and Support

Graduate student mental health and well-being has long been a focus at Boise State University. The GradWell initiative, implemented several years ago through a collaboration between the Graduate College and BroncoFit, provides mental wellness education, facilitates access to mental health resources, and fosters graduate student connections. GradWell also engages graduate faculty by providing them with methods to identify graduate students in distress and access to resources.

Promoting the critical role wellness plays in student success, the Council of Graduate Schools recently released the Statement of Principles and Commitments on Graduate Student Mental Health and Wellbeing. This framework for institutional action addresses campus-wide, collaborative approaches to protecting the wellbeing of master’s and doctoral students. The document helps to further identify the value of targeting graduate student wellness and the importance of striving for a university culture that embraces graduate student mental health and provides essential resources for the graduate community.