General Information
Boise State University is governed by policies and procedures established by the Idaho State Board of Education.
Boise State University Mission, Vision, Goals
Mission: Boise State provides an innovative, transformative, and equitable educational environment that prepares students for success and advances Idaho and the world.
- Themes: Foster Student Success, Advance Idaho, Strengthen a Culture of Innovation and Global Impact
- Vision: To be a premier student-success driven research university innovating for statewide and global impact.
University Organization and Governance
University Leadership
Boise State’s leadership team is made up of the Executive Team, as well as the Administrative Council. Individually and collectively, members advise the President and provide effective, responsive and informed leadership to the university.
University Leadership Organizational Chart
University Colleges and Departments
Click here for a complete list of colleges and departments.
Academic Affairs
The President of the University charges the Provost with: academic quality and student success, ensuring positive learning and working environments, development and implementation of an academic affairs strategic plan in alignment with the five-year plan, institutional accreditation and accountability, recruiting and maintaining a top-quality faculty, managing academic appointments, tenure, and promotion, and leading the university’s internationalization efforts.
Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate is a representative body that is responsible for faculty participation in shared governance and planning for the University. The purpose of the Faculty Senate is to facilitate communication, understanding, and cooperation among the officers of Boise State University, and to ensure the orderly development of educational programs and policies for which the faculty are responsible.
- Faculty Senate Constitution
- Faculty Senate Bylaws
- Faculty Senate Processes and Committee Structure
- AAUP Statement on Shared Governance
- American Federation of Teachers
- Faculty Code of Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct (Policy 4000)